13| throwback

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Andy's POV

I felt two hands lifting me. I tried to see who it was, but my vision was blurred. I heard a voice say "no Andy, don't close your eyes." The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was. My eyes started to get heavy and I had to make a lot of effort to keep them open. At that moment I felt something on my mouth. It was an inhaler. I felt the air enter my lungs and my breathing started to return to normal. My vision started to clear again and I could see it was Jack. "T...t... thank you" I say, but my voice is weak and barely audible. "It's nothing, are you okay?" Jack asks me a worried but relieved voice. I nod slightly and put my head back against his chest. I felt so weak and had no energy to stand up or say anything else. I felt my eyes become heavy and fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I felt bad, but I didn't want to show too much of it to the others, so I said I only had a headache. Mickey offered me painkillers. I took them and soon the headache subsided, but I still felt bad and weak. I tried to eat, but I didn't get anything. Eventually, Mickey noticed that I hadn't eaten anything yet. "Don't you like it Andy? I can make you something else," he says. "No, no, it's just I... I" the room started spinning and I felt like I could faint at any moment. I felt nauseous from the spinning and rushed to the bathroom to throw up. The others were following me and stood at the door. "Andy, are you OK" I heard Brook say through the door. "Yeah, yeah, I just have to go to the bathroom" I say, but it's actually not going well. It looks like my stomach is being squeezed together and my head is being smashed against a wall. I sit there for a few minutes and then I go back to the room. When I go inside I try to hide that I feel bad. "Are you okay?" Asks Jack worried. "Yeah, yeah I'm just feeling a little dizzy" I say as convincing as I can, but apparently not convincing enough. "I think you'd better rest Andy. I'll call Blair and tell him he'd better come tomorrow," says Mickey firmly, but worried. "No, Mickey," I say in shock. He can't cancel Blair, he's going to be mad. I don't want him to get mad at Mickey because of me. "You don't look well Andy, go to sleep" Mickey says, and he walks out of the room. I look at my feet. I'm sure Blair is going to be angry, and he's going to work it out on Mickey. He can't do that. Mickey doesn't deserve that. I don't want him to be punished because of me. Brook's coming to me. "Go to sleep," he says. I nod and crawl into my bed. When Mickey comes back in, I pretend I'm asleep. I hear them say Blair's angry because I'm exaggerating. And it's my fault he's angry with Mickey. I'm a bad person and I know how angry Blair can get.


We're a few months after Blair helped me out and gave me the chance to sing in a band. I was sick and had been in bed for several days. I had a fever and had to cough. At that moment I was living with Blair, and we were looking for 2 more members for the band. Rye and Brook were already in the band and Mickey was on the trail. "Andy, get out of bed, we need to film a new cover" Blair yells when he enters the room. "Blair I really don't feel well" I say with a couple of coughs in between. "Andy you are finished in ten minutes or you're out of the band" he says irritated. He leaves the room and I change quickly.

After 5 minutes we were downstairs, almost ready to leave for the studio. I was coughing and Rye came straight to me. "Andy are you ok, you don't look well" he says worriedly. "Yeah, yeah I'm all right" I say with a little smile. Rye wants to say something, but Blair intervenes. "Let's get out of here," he says. We get in and leave for the studio. Then we had to record 2 more videos. "Blair, Andy's really not looking well maybe we can make the rest of the video another day" says Rye. "Andy's doing fine, aren't you, Andy?" he says and looks at me with an angry look. "Yeah yeah yeah I'm fine" I say. "All right then we'll move on" says Blair. We went on for another two hours. Suddenly everything started spinning and I started to see black.

Rye's POV

Andy looked very bad, and he'd been sick for several days. I tried to convince Blair to let him rest, but he wouldn't listen. Suddenly, I saw Andy starting to faint. I walk up to him fast, just in time to catch him. "He's very hot," I say. "We'd better get him home and get a doctor" says Brook. Blair doesn't say anything, but he seems angry. A few hours later the doctor has been and Andy has a serious fever and needs to rest enough.

Andy's POV

The doctor's been there and I have a serious fever. Rye and the others are at the gym when Blair comes in. "goddamn Andy!" he comes in screaming. "I'm... I'm sorry," I say. He's so pissed off that even his face turns red. He grabs the first thing he gets and throws it. "Blair, please..." I get cut off by something that hits my head. I can feel the blood leaking over my head. Blair looks at me with fear in his eyes. I hear the door open and Rye and the rest come home. Blair quickly grabs a cloth to put on the wound on my head. "What happened?" Rye comes to me. "He bumped into something." Blair lies.

End of throwback

I never told the others the truth because I knew Blair didn't have bad intentions and was just frustrated. I just hope he never gets so angry with the others. They don't deserve it. I do. I'm just a nobody.

They've called to replace Blair before, but I didn't want to. Blair was there for me when things went bad, and he gave me the chance of a lifetime, and he knows things I've never said to anyone else. He was my listening ear. He helped me out and I can't do that to him. That would just be rude and disrespectful of me.

Suddenly I hear an alarm going off. It's Mickey's. What time is it? I look at my clock and it's 8:00 in the morning. What, I've been up all night lying awake? Mickey gets up and is clearly surprised when he sees that I'm awake too. "Andy, are you awake already? Don't you feel well?" He's worried. I'm looking at him. I don't feel well at all, but I'm not going to let that show. "I feel great" I say as enthusiastically as I can. Mickey frowned his eyebrows. "Are you sure?" He asks me. "Yes," I say when I jump off my bed. Shit too soon. I feel dizzy and almost fall. "Wow Andy calm down." Mickey comes up to me and keeps me up. "It's okay, just got up too fast" I say and I get out of his grip. "Andy, you look..." I won't let him finish. "I feel great" I say. That's when Brook and Jack come in. They both look at me with weird faces. "Andy are you all right?" Ask Brook. "Yeah, I feel great," I say. "Call Blair and tell him he can come by today," I tell Mickey. Suddenly, Mickey's cell phone rings. He looks at the screen and walks down the hallway. Why is he acting so weird right now? Brook and Jack start having breakfast. I try with a lot of effort to get something in and eventually I succeed. When I'm finished Mickey comes in. "Who was it?" asks Jack. "Nobody" answers Mickey irritated. I wanted to say something, but got nauseous again and had to go to the bathroom to throw up. "I'm going to change" I say quickly and walk to the bathroom. I put myself above the toilet and throw up. I feel weak and tired and the headache comes back already. I decided to take a shower. Maybe I'll feel better afterwards.

Mickey's POV

Andy's trying to convince us he is okay, but I don't believe it. He still looks weak and it looks like he hasn't slept all night. And then I had to keep him up this morning. I saw Brook and Jack's face even they thought it was weird, too. My phone rang and it was Blair. Andy wants him to come, but I don't know if that's such a good idea. I'm going to walk down the hallway and make a call. So Andy can't hear me. "Can I come today?" I hear Blair's voice saying loud true the phone. "I don't know if it's such a good idea" Blair won't let me speak out again. "Okay, I'll be there at 6:00," and he turns off the phone. Goddamn it, I hate him. He never listens to us and doesn't give a shit about how we feel. He's selfish, and we've discussed changing managers several times, but Andy doesn't want to. I'm walking back in. Jack asks who it was and I simply answer with no one. Luckily they don't ask any further questions and Andy went to wash himself. "Blair's coming later" I say when Andy's gone. "Is that a good idea?" asks Brook worried. "Yeah, I was thinking that too, but he just threw off the phone," I say. "I'll call him" says Brook and takes his phone. "Yeah, Blair, it's Brook." He starts the conversation. "So Andy's got a concussion, and he needs enough rest, so we'll call you when he's feeling better." He makes a mmm sound and then says goodbye. "He says it's okay, and he'll come later, but he obviously wasn't happy" says Brook.

A/N: New!!! Be sure to follow me on Wattpad and Instagram @randy.fanfiction.roadtrip it would be great if you wanted to vote too.  sorry that the chapter later is. I had some difficulties whit writing. Hope you don't mind and stay reading🤍

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