7| Andy?!

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Jack's prof

Brook is really mad at rye and I get it, I'm mad too and I know that Andy is like a big brother to him and will always protect him. We're walking out of the apartment. Brook has an angry face and looks back at rye a few times until they're out of the picture.

Jack: hey it wasn't his intention

Brook: he should have just told Andy, then maybe he wouldn't have run away and now we would know where he was.

Jack: he couldn't have known this was going to happen.

Brook: are you protecting him now, he hurt Andy, and now we don't know where he is. Maybe he's hurt, or he's drinking again or maybe he's been kidnapped or something

Brook's anger began to turn in to fear and sadness. His eyes began to tear and I grabbed him and hugged him. He grabs me by my wash and puts his head against my chest. I rub his back to calm him down. We stay like this for a while, to the annoyance of the passing people who can't get past us.

Jack: hey everything's going to be all right

Brook gets away from me and wipes his tears away and looks me in the eye. He's so handsome. Everything's perfect about him, his eyes, his hair, his body, everything. I love him, but he probably doesn't love me. It's like we're staring at each other for hours until Brook brings me back to reality.

Brook: we should keep looking. It's almost dark.

Jack: Yeah that's true

We'll start walking. We show passers-by the picture of Andy and ask if they have seen him, but no one who has seen him.

An hour later

Brook's prof

We've been searching and asking around for an hour, but we still don't know where Andy is. It's already dark. I'm starting to get very worried. Maybe he's been kidnapped, or he's hurt. My breathing's accelerating and my vision's getting blurry. I stop walking and I see jack has stopped and is looking at me. I start sweating and I can't control my breathing. I let myself down on the ground. Jack comes up to me and grabs my hands.

Jack: brook, hey breathe in and out.

I look into his eyes. They seem to sparkle. I can feel my breathing returning to normal. Jack has something that can always calm me down. He wipes his thumbs over my hands. Our eyes don't come apart. When I get my breathing back to normal, Jack grabs me in a hug.

Jack: we'll find him

He knows what's wrong without me having to say anything. I can't ask anything more from him. He understands me and he supports me. He's there for me. God, I love him. We'll get back up and start walking. It's quiet, but no awkward silence. It's a silence that brings peace. We walk hand in hand. Suddenly my cell phone rings.

Phone call

Brook: Hey mickey, already found something?

Mickey: hey, no, we're going back to the apartment to see if Andy's already there.

Brook: is rye with you?

Mickey: Uh... yeah.

Brook: is that a good idea. Maybe he'll run away again.

Mickey: brook, rye's sorry. He didn't mean to hurt Andy. He wanted to avoid the confrontation.

Brook: clearly failed.

End of the phone call

I end the call and put my cell phone away. Why is mickey protecting rye? He knows how much he hurt Andy.

Jack: who was it?

Brook: Mickey, he and rye are going back to the apartment to see if Andy's back there already.

Jack: And...

He wants to say something, but we're distracted by two people fighting across the street. We look at each other and walk across the street. We see the two figures, but we don't see it clearly. There seems to be a third-person lying on the ground, but he looks familiar to me. We walk closer and then I recognize him... it's Andy.

I quickly walk towards him, while jack goes to the two fighting people. He helps the other young man who seemed to protect Andy, but the overpowering fails, and he manages to getaway. They're going after him. I look at Andy. I try to wake him up, but he doesn't respond. I lift his head and turn it towards me. Then I see a big wound on his head and blood on the ground. I quickly take off my hoodie and push against the wounds to stop the bleeding. I don't care about the hoodie. I have to make sure Andy's safe. Jack and the strange boy are coming back.

Jack: he's escaped. How's Andy?

Brook: Not good. We have to go to the hospital!

Jack: ok I'll call mickey

Jack calls Mickey and I walk up to the weird guy.

Brook: And who are you

?: I'm max

Brook: well max thanks for saving Andy and I think you should come with me to the hospital.

Jack: Mickey's on his way. They'll be here any minute.

A few minutes later, Mickey was there we step in. Jack picks up Andy and keeps him on his lap for the ride. Rye is also there and looks from the passenger seat behind him to see how Andy is doing. He has a guilty look and tears in his eyes. Maybe this wasn't his intention. After a few minutes driving, we arrive at the hospital. Soon they notice us and Andy is taken to a room. We're not allowed in yet, because they have to do tests. We're all in the waiting room. Mickey and rye on one side and jack and I opposite him. I put my head on Jack's shoulder and look at rye. He is very nervous, you can tell by his nail-biting, he also has tears in his eyes and I can say he feels guilty. Meanwhile, Max is at the doctor's to have his wounds taken care of. After a few minutes, he comes back. First, he had talked to the police and now Mickey is talking to them.

Max: hey I have to go home, but will you let me know if you know anything else?

Brook: Sure

He gives me a note with his name and phone number, and then he leaves. He seems friendly and sweet, perfect for Andy. A doctor is coming to see us.

Doctor: Andy Fowler's friends

Jack: Yeah

Doctor: He has nothing serious, we just have to wait until he's awake to do further tests, but then he should be allowed to go home.

Meanwhile, mickey's come back in. The doctor's news is good for all of us. Andy's got nothing serious and can go home. I give jack a big hug.

Mickey: that's good news

Rye: Can... can we see him?

Doctor: Sure.

The doctor leaves us alone. I was surprised rye asked. I'm starting to regret what I said to him. I'm starting to get more and more convinced that he didn't mean to hurt Andy.

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