17| back with the knife

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⚠️warning: Contains smooth and self-harm

Rye's POV

I arrived at Amy's house. She wasn't happy and threw the door in my face. After a few knocks, she opened the door anyway. "What do you want Rye, I'm apparently not important enough for you, so leave and go to your Andy. Then..." I interrupt her by pushing my lips on hers. At first, she doesn't kiss back because she didn't expect it, but then she kisses me back. She grabs my hair and the kiss quickly becomes more passionate and deeper. We walk inside and I close the door behind me without breaking the kiss. I push her against the wall and pin her hands above her head. I bite her lower lip, begging for access. She opens her mouth slightly and I take my chance and slide my tongue in. I explore her whole mouth and then pull my tongue back. I start kissing her neck "jump" I whisper in her ear. She does what I say and wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me on the mouth. I lead us to the bedroom and throw her on the bed. I start undressing and she does the same. When I take off my shirt she bites on her lower lip. When we are both just sitting in our underwear we kiss back. Amy rolls us over, so she is lying on top of me now. I start proclaiming her bra and knock it loose. I throw us back over so that I am on top again. We take off our underwear and I grab a condom and slide it over my already hard member. Then I look back at Amy. She bites on her lip again, I can't stand it when she bites on her lip and smashes my lips back on hers. Then I go inside her and wait for her to get used to it. "Move" she begs me. I start going in and out and go faster and faster. In the end, we cum at the same moment. We are both lying on the bed. Totally exhausted. Amy puts herself on my chest, and so we fall asleep.

Next day

It was 8 o'clock when I woke up. Amy was still on my chest. I tried to get out from under her without waking her up. When I did, I noticed that I am still naked from last night. I quickly grab my boxer off the floor and walk to the bathroom to refresh myself.

After a few minutes, I was freshly washed and got dressed again. Amy wasn't awake yet, so I decided to prepare a surprise for her, especially as I still had something to make up. I remembered there was a romantic film going on that Amy really wanted to watch. I grabbed her laptop and logged in. Luckily I knew her login code, so I could buy the tickets. I go to the website and look for the film. Luckily there are just a few seats left. I check out and make an appointment in a restaurant. I close the laptop and start scrolling through my Instagram. I come across a Randy edit. It's a picture of me and Andy. To be honest it was a cute picture. It was a picture where Andy was sleeping on my chest, the picture came from one of the vlogs where apparently no one noticed it was inside. I like the picture and start scrolling through the randy edits a bit further. The memories of Andy and me are coming back. We had it so good and there was no one better than Andy, but we could just be together and that was my fault. Suddenly I feel two arms sliding over my shoulders. I look up and it is Amy. She gives me a kiss and then puts herself next to me. "What are you doing?" she asks while she tries to look at my cell phone. I throw my phone aside, knowing she would get angry or jealous. I may not want to admit it to anyone, but I still love Andy a lot. I say "nothing" and look her in the eyes. She looks at me with a questioning look. "How nothing?" she asks suspiciously. She is clearly not happy with the answer I gave her, but I don't want to tell the truth, because then she will get angry. To distract her from the subject, I go to my wallet and show her the cards of the film, but the attempt failed. She took an angry look and crosses her arms. I put my cell phone back and try to kiss her, but she pushes me away. "Babe, I just wanted to keep it as a surprise, but I have tickets for that film you wanted to see, and we're going to the restaurant before" I say with puppy eyes. Her eyes widen and I see the happiness and joy in her eyes. She jumps on me with joy and starts kissing me everywhere "thank you, thank you, thank you" she says between the kisses, then she stops kissing me and looks back at me with a questioning look. "But you hate romantic film" she says "yes, but for you, I'll do anything" I say and give her a quick kiss on her lips. She kisses me and the kiss quickly becomes more passionate. I lick her lower lip to gain access, but she doesn't give it. I bite her lower lip, and she moans a little, so I can slide my tongue in. We fight for dominance but of course, I won. So it was also the case by Andy, eventually, he gave up. He liked it when I was dominant. No, no Rye don't think about it. I get loose from Amy and hold the bridge of my nose and squeeze my eyes closed. "Is there something wrong?" Amy asks. "Uh... yeah maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave Andy alone after all" I say. It wasn't completely a lie as I've been worried about that all the time, but the others haven't called yet, so I'm sure there's nothing wrong there. "Ah he'll be fine" she says, she sounds irritated. I've noticed that before when I talk about Andy, but my thoughts were broken by Amy who started kissing me back.

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