5| Stranger

206 11 2

Andy's pro

Rye's kissing someone else in front of me. My heartbeat rises and I start trembling, tears streaming down my cheeks. I run out as fast as I can. I keep running, I don't know where I'm going. I just run where my feelings take me. Rye already has someone else, he doesn't love me anymore, he will never love me. because I am crying my sight is blurry and I have walked in on people several times and several cars had to stop abruptly. I feel my breathing starting to accelerate. I stop running and look for my inhaler in my pants...nowhere. I must have forgotten it...shit...I put myself on the ground and try to control my breathing. After a few minutes, I manage to calm down a bit. I look around me. Where am I? I've never been here before. I get up and start walking back. After almost half an hour of walking, I arrive at a park. It's a long way from the flat, but I know where to go, but I don't want to go back. I don't want to face rye and his new girlfriend. I hate her! Why couldn't rye love me? why did he have to leave me? our relationship wasn't even that bad. Is there something wrong with me? I'm probably too ugly and too fat as everyone says. Everyone hates me! I walk into the park and put myself on a bench. I rest my elbows on my knees and put my face in my hands. My hands get wet with tears.

It's quiet in the park and I lift my head. I didn't even realize it was dark already. I look around me and there is nobody. Just a car slowly driving down the street. Maybe I should go home. I get up and wipe the tears off my face. I start walking and watch my shadow form with every new streetlight. It's cold and just like my inhaler I forgot my coat and I have to walk a long way until I reach the apartment. I try to warm myself up a bit by rubbing my hands over my arms and blowing warm air into my hands now and then. The streets are empty and nobody is walking on the street anymore and all I see is a car driving slowly through the street. At a certain moment, someone starts walking behind me. I feel like he is following me and starts walking faster. Why have I been so stupid to leave my phone at home? Otherwise, I could have called someone to come and get me. The person starts to speed up. He crosses me and I see him walking into a house... luckily... I start to walk on at some point a car stops right next to me. I get scared and then the window goes down.

?: hey, you there

Andy: Me?

I'm looking around. There's no one else. I look a second to see if there's no one around. Someone who could help me when something happens. But who would? Everybody hates me.

?: Don't be scared. I'm not going to kidnap you or anything.

He laughs kindly, so I can relax, but I stay alert, you never know.

?: I just wanted to ask where the station is. I have to go pick up my friend and I'm completely lost.

Andy: Uh... yeah, sure. It's here to the right and then straight ahead until you get to a red house, then to the right and then keep going straight ahead.

?: Maybe you can join me and describe, that's easier.

Andy: I really need to get home.

I'm starting to get more and more suspicious of the guy and look around...nobody...perfect. I start walking, but the man keeps driving past me.

?: I'll drop you off at home, it's faster by car than on foot and it's not really the weather to walk outside without a coat.

It's indeed not really the weather to walk outside without a coat. It's cold and in the meantime, it's started raining. Chances are high that I will be sick tomorrow.

Andy: no thanks. I'd rather walk.

I walk on, but the person doesn't leave me alone. Again he drives past me. I start to feel very uncomfortable and start looking around, still nobody and I have nowhere to hide.

?: could you possibly write it down, that would be very kind of you?

Andy: uh...ok then

He laughs and puts his window back up. He opens the door and gets out. I take a step back. He opens the back door and starts messing around in some stuff. Finally, he gives me a torn paper and a pen. I hold the paper against the car and start to write. In the meantime, I hear him going to some stuff in the car. I quickly write everything down and give him the paper.

Andy: please, good evening.

He takes it and thanks me. I turn around, to walk away, but then hegrabs my arm and pulls me towards him. I try to get loose, but he is toostrong, he pushes me with my back against his chest and holds me against himwith one arm while he holds a cloth against my mouth with the other hand. Ithas a weird smell and everything starts spinning. I try to shout and get free,but my whole body feels weak and everything turns black. The last thing I seeis someone completely dressed in black coming towards us. When I close my eyesI feel a hard hit to my head and I fell on something cold

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I hope you like the story and stay reading. I really love to write this story en wanted to publish it. if you like it comment A ❤️.

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