26| (not) in love

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Brook's POV

I wonder what is going on with Andy. Before everything had happened, he was the happiest boy I knew. He didn't care what others said and did what he wanted. He was there for everyone and didn't judge them. He didn't care about trends or hypes. He was who he was and that was perfect. But now he always works. He doesn't take any more time for himself and always tries to make sure others are okay. He already did that, but now more than before. Why has he changed so much? It's as if he's afraid of something. Rye said to me that Andy doesn't often say if he feels bad, but if he doesn't say what's going on then, we can't help him, and that makes me feel bad. I really want to help him, he's like my brother.

I would have liked to see Rye and Andy together again and for a moment it seemed like that. They were close again, and they almost kissed, although it was my fault they didn't kiss because I just called Andy. I am so stupid. I could just look before I said something, but no, I had to shout when I hadn't set foot out of the recording room yet. Maybe it would have been completely different. Maybe they would have got together, or maybe they wouldn't have. Since Rye has become so distant lately, he doesn't say anything to Andy any more and sometimes it even seems as if he ignores Andy, as if he doesn't exist. Would that be why he is back with Amy? Maybe he doesn't dare admit his feelings, or is he being threatened? Oh, Brook? What do you think now, don't be stupid. Who would threaten Rye not to go with Andy and if he didn't dare admit his feelings, he wouldn't go with Amy either, because then he would be in love with Andy.

Unlike Rye and Andy, Jack and I have not grown any further apart, no, we have become even closer. We have already agreed on several dates or something like that. I call it a date so let me dream, ow no forget what I said, there are no dates, just going out... as friends. We went to the zoo, we went to see a film and had a romantic dinner... I mean dinner, just dinner, nothing romantic about it, did I say romantic? I just meant cosy. You know cosy when, looking into each other's eyes and holding hands, cuddling and teasing each other... uh... I mean of course cosy when, just chatting and doing... what... uh... friends are doing... yes, that's it, not romantic at all. It's not that I drown in his eyes when I look at him and I definitely don't have his shirt under my pillow to smell, so I feel like he's with me. it's not that we cuddle together every night and it's not that he makes me calm and I certainly don't get shivers when he whispers sweet words in my ear... oooo.... Jack, Jack, my Jack. His eyes, his smile, his muscular body, his soft hands, his beautiful lips... uh yes back to Andy.

I am starting to worry about Andy too. Lately, he is acting so weird, and he is getting worse and worse every day. I've noticed several times that he eats less and less, more like almost nothing. I don't think the others even realize it, because Andy knows how to hide it. I think he has vomited several times, or so it sounded. I had told Mickey, he told me that he and Rye had noticed it too, but every time they asked Andy something, he said it wasn't true. And now the coughing is getting worse, and he looks very tired. This morning it even looked as if he hadn't slept. I really wonder what is going on.

We've been recording the new cover for hours, it's not working and Andy is not at all there with his thoughts. He also has to cough regularly and looks pale. The others are even starting to be in a bad mood. I know it's not nice to re-record the same thing so often, but something is going on with Andy, more than he shows and I have to find out what!

Suddenly I hear a loud cough, I turn around and see that Andy is coughing. He is looking for something in his pockets, but he doesn't seem to find it. "Andy, are you OK?" I ask worried, but he didn't answer me, but I did see that he was shaking and his eyes started to close and before I knew it he was lying on the ground. We are all run towards him. Rye is there first and puts Andy' head on his lap. "Andy, hey, wake up" he says, worried and almost begging. He shakes him slightly, but Andy doesn't react at all. "Come on, let's go home and get a doctor" says Jack. Rye nods and he picks up Andy bridal style. He keeps looking at him. "It's going to be all right" I say as I put my hand on his arm. He looks at me and in his eyes, I see fear and sadness. He even is almost crying.

We are on our way home. Rye is holding Andy on his lap all the time and doesn't lose sight of him. I have even seen that he has wiped away a tear several times, but why is he so sad and afraid. He ignores Andy lately and doesn't speak to him any more, but now suddenly he would care for him very much, it's very weird. I am taken out of my mind by light moaning past me. It is Andy, he is awake. "What... what... happened?" he asks with a weak voice. He looks so weak and vulnerable. He can barely keep his eyes open and his head keeps falling back against Rye's chest. I now see a little smile on Rye's face. It looks like a smile of relief. "You've fainted, we're going home now, and then we'll get a doctor" says Jack looking back from the passenger seat. "n... no no... no doctor" says Andy with a weak voice. It seems like he could fall asleep at any moment. "OK, but then you have to promise to rest from now on" says Mickey in a loud voice as he looks into the rear-view mirror to see Andy. Andy nods slightly, "promised" he says barely audibly. "OK, then no doctor" says Mickey. With that Andy lets himself sink back into Rye's arms and his eyes close. He really doesn't look well. Hopefully, he will do better soon and maybe we should call a doctor after all.

During the ride, we don't say that much, but Rye stays still the whole way and his eyes don't come loose from Andy. He can't hide his smile any more. I'm sure he still has feelings for Andy, but why doesn't he just say it. I'm sure Andy still wants him back. Andy will always want him back and I know that despite everything, Rye would do anything to keep Andy safe and happy. I can see it in his eyes. I can see that Jack is also looking and our eyes find each other and don't come loose any more. Wow... I shake my head to get back to reality. What am I doing? Andy has fainted and I am busy with myself. "It's okay" says Jack. How... how does he know? Did I just say that out loud? Did he think the same thing? He's smiling at me and I just know he thought the same thing.

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