15| panic attack

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Mickey's POV

How can I leave Andy alone, now I'm doing the same thing as Rye. I feel bad thinking I left him alone with a furious Blair. I don't trust Blair when he's so angry. Last time that happened Andy said he ran into something, but none of the others believed him. I'm sure it was Blair's fault, I bet, but I'm not sure, because he just keeps saying he ran into something.

It's taking a long time now. How long do they have to talk? It's not like Andy can tell a lot because he doesn't remember anything. Unless... maybe he remembers, but he won't tell us. No, he wouldn't, would he? No, he tells us everything, but he never really told us what happened when he supposedly ran into something. Would he remember anything? Would he remember running away because he saw Rye and Amy?

It's only been about five minutes, but it seems so long. I'm starting to walk nervously through the room. How long can they talk? I hate not being there, but honestly, I'm scared of Blair. I don't trust him, and I think he's even capable of hurting someone when he's furious.

"Help! Help! Help! I'm scared! Somebody, please help me!" There's a scream coming from the room where Blair and Andy are. It's Andy, what's going on? I'm rushing out of the room to Andy. When I enter the room, Andy is all rolled up against the kitchen and Blair's standing over him. Andy's head was in the palms of his hands, his breathing was irregular, he was trembling, and he was crying. "What did you do?" I ask Blair furiously. "Nothing" he says. "He's not going to act like this out of nowhere." I piss and I give him a dirty look. I bend down and try to put my hand on Andy's arm, but he pulls away. What's going on? I didn't know what was going on. He's obviously scared, but why? I mean, if Blair did something to him, I'll kill him! I'm trying to put my hand on his arm again, but he's pulling away. "No leave me alone." Andy yells. "Help! Somebody help! He's... he's trying to kidnap me!" When I heard that, I knew he was having a panic attack. I'd looked something up about the concussion, and they might have a panic attack when they remember certain images. The doctor had also warned me about it. "Hey Andy calm down" I'm trying to calm him down. "No please, leave me alone!" he says crying. That's when Brook and Jack came in laughing, but their laughter quickly disappeared when they saw Andy sitting on the floor. "What happened?!" Brook asks worriedly when he walks up to us. "He's having a panic attack," I say. "Why is that?" asks Jack. "Blair wanted to talk and when I came back, Andy was in this state." I say. Blair and Jack started arguing in the background while Brook and I tried to calm Andy down. "Andy, it's Mickey." I say in a soft and soothing voice. He finally lifted his head slightly. When he saw it was me, he flew into my arms. He put his head on my shoulder and started crying. I felt his heartbeat. It was very high and he was trembling. "What happened?" I ask. "I... I... he" he couldn't tell me. "Hey, calm down. Tell us when you're ready." I'll reassure him. He nods and puts his head against my chest. "What have you done?" I'm asking Blair angry. "I don't know, he suddenly began to act weird. I asked him to finally tell me the truth instead of all those lies" he still says angry. I want to respond, but Brook is already ahead of me "look Blair we've already told you, Andy was almost kidnapped and got a hard hit on the head, so he doesn't remember anything. And I'd like you to leave right now. We weren't allowed to push Andy and if you had listened to Mickey you would have known that, but no, your neck is too thick to give a damn about anyone" Brook was very angry and almost screaming. It was a strange sight to see Brook who is always happy and laughs everything away so angry. Blair tried to intervene, "but..." but Brook wouldn't let him. "No, get out of here. I don't want to see you for a while." he's yelling so almost the entire flat block can hear it. "I'm sorry Andy" says Blair in a sad voice. "Out!" Brook screams. Blair walks with his head down to the front door and leaves the flat. Luckily he's gone, he has done more than enough already today. "He's lucky I didn't slap him in the face." Brook is furious. Jack pulls him towards him to calm him down and it seems to help, because Brook relaxes completely under his touch. I look at Andy resting his head against my chest, still sobbing and his legs resting on my legs. With one hand I hold him straight and the other I used to support myself. "Are you okay?" I ask in a quiet voice. He lifts his head slightly to look at me and nods and puts his head back against my chest. Andy doesn't deserve all this, he's such a pure and friendly person, and then he has to go through all this. The world is just unfair.

Meanwhile, I felt more weight coming on me. I looked down and saw that Andy had fallen asleep. Carefully I lifted him and put him in his bed. I pulled the blankets over him, and we all sit down.

A little while later

There was a sound coming from Andy's bed, he'd woken up. Immediately all eyes were on him. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and sat up straight. "Are you OK?" Jack asks. He nodded "but can I ask you something?" he asked quietly, but just loud enough, so we could hear it. "Sure, ask what you want," I say. My gut feeling told me he was going to ask questions about the kidnapping. "w...was... I...really almost kidnapped?" he asks in a trembling voice. Brook and Jack looked at me to say I had to tell him, but I didn't know how, but I don't think there's really a good way to say it, so I just say "yeah, we're sorry Andy that we didn't say anything" I say guilty. He shakes his head no "it doesn't matter, I understand" he says. It reassured me that he understands and I also see that Brook and Jack have a burden off their shoulders. "Sure?" I ask. He nods his head yeah. "Do you want to ask something else?" I'm asking a little nervous. I thought we should give him a chance to find out the truth, he had a right to know, and we've been hiding it from him for far too long. "How comes that I don't remember anything?" He asks while he's finally looking at me. His eyes are red and I see a tear rolling down his cheek. I walk up to him and hug him. He puts his head against my chest and sobs. "You've had a hard hit to the head," Brook finally says. Andy nods. "Anything else you want to know?" I ask. He looks up at me and thinks "no, I'm tired and I'd like to go back to sleep". "You know if there's anything you want to know, just ask. We'll explain it to you as best we can..." Jack wasn't ready or Brook came between "yes we're going to help you remember everything! i...if you want it, of course" says Brook stuttering. "Yes, please" answers Andy with a little smile. Andy and I separate and I get off the bed. He puts himself under the blankets. When Brook, Jack and I want to leave the room Andy stops us "no, stay. Please" he says with puppy eyes. I nod and walk to my bed and grab a book. Jack and Brook get together on the couch and watch a film on the computer. After a few minutes, Andy is already asleep.

Suddenly the silence is broken by Jack "where's Rye anyway?". "Yes, he leaves Andy and then disappears for almost 2 days" says Brook annoyed. "I wouldn't know, I'll try calling him" I say and I pick up my phone to call Rye. "Nothing" I say and I put my phone back away. "I swear when he gets home..." Jack stops talking and looks at the door. Brook and I look at each other questioningly, but then we hear it.

A/N: Please vote and follow me on Wattpad and Instagram: randy.fanfiction.roadtrip. I would love it if you would do that and thank you for reading my story! let me know what you think about it, you can send me private or in the comments😁🤍

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