31| the perfect date

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Brook's POV

Jack and I wake up by a loud bang. Jack throws the of him and stands up, I do the same and follow him. My sight is blurry because of the sleep in my eyes. Jack opens the door, and we shock by the view we get. Andy is lying unconscious in Rye's arms. I don't know what to do. I can't move, I feel like I can't breathe any more. "Quick, call a doctor" he screams, but I can't do anything, I'm completely stiff. I see how Jack takes his phone and begin to type the number of the doctor. Then Mickey opens the door of their room and I can see he is in shock too and steps aside to let Rye in. I run after them and ask "What happened", but the only answer I get is "I explain later, first we need a doctor" He walks inside and lay Andy on the bed, I walk after him and standstill at Mickey's bed.

Rye kneels next to him and traces over his head "Andy, wake up please. Wake up, please, please" I can't hold back the tears any more. I want to know what happened, is it something bad? Is there something wrong? Is he...

"The doctor is on his way" Jack says when he enters the room en get me out of all my questions. I look at him with tears rolling down my cheek. He looks at me and when he sees I am crying he comes my way and hugs me. "Shhh... everything is going to be fine" he says, but I begin to cry even more. He cups my head and forces me to look at him. "He is fine" he says with a sweet voice while wiping away my tears with his thump. "I... I... I'm scared" I say sobbing. He takes me back in his arms "I know, but he is going to be fine, I promise" he says and kisses my head. He rubs my back and I begin to calm down. He is the only person who can calm me down like that. I love him so, so much, but I don't dear to tell him that. Maybe he doesn't feel the same and maybe I destroy or friendship.

We are sitting in Rye's room while the doctor is examining Andy. He has worked up, but he is very weak and barely can stay awake. The doctor is more than half an hour inside, and we still don't know anything. I am walking nervously through the room and Rye is biting his nails. He always does it when he is nervous. Jack is the only one of us who can stay a little calm, if you don't know him, you would say he doesn't care, but he does, a lot. "Brook you're making me nervous, can you sit down please" Rye says, but I stay walking. "Brook" He shouts loud, and I stop walking. "I sit down if you stop biting your nails" I say and start walking again. "Biting nails isn't as annoying as walking nervously around" he shouts while following me with his eyes. "No, well I think it is very annoying" I shout at him. "When are you going to learn that you better keep your mouth shut" he shouts and I star at him with an angry face. How can he say that I don't speak that much, and he is rude. I walk towards him with my hands in fists. "That's enough!" Jack shouts while taking my arm and stopping me from doing something wrong. "We are all stressing, so don't work it out on each other!" he shouts. I sit down next to Jack and Rye looks down. "I am sorry" he mumbles. "Me too" I say while looking away.

Finally, Mickey enters the room, all eyes are on him immediately. "And" I say without giving him the chance to eve come in properly. He closes the door and leans against it "the doctor thinks of medication poisoning". "But he..." I want to say something, but Rye interrupts me "but, he doesn't take any medication, right?" he asks and looks at us. "No, he said he didn't need it any more" Jack says. "But how can he have a medication poisoning?". Rye asks. "I think he took medication, sometimes I had the feeling he was hiding something, but I was never sure" Mickey says. "Yeah, now you say it, I have seen him several times taking something that seems like medication, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't say anything" Rye says. "But still, how can he have a poisoning, I really don't get it" I say. "The doctor says it's because he took too much, and that probably the reason of the lake of sleep and illness and the doctor told me in the hospital that he couldn't take too much because it could lead to hallucinations" Mickey says. "So that's why he thought I was the kidnapper" Rye says more to himself. "Yes" Mickey says. "But when does he take the painkillers, I didn't see him taken any of it?" asks Jack. "Probably he took them when we were not there" Mickey says. "Then we need to keep an eye on him all day, he can't take any pills without any of us knowing, OK" Rye says. We all agree.

Next day

Jack's POV

So because Mickey and Brook are going shopping, it's my time to look after Andy. I know we need to keep an eye on him, but I think that this is going too far. We are never to be able to keep this up, because each time of the day there needs to be someone with him, even at night. There needs to be another solution because this is only a temporary one. Maybe it's a good idea if we let him go home, to his mom. Then he can fully recover and maybe it's a good idea because then he is away from here, I think it will do him some good.

In the meantime, I am sitting here for almost 2 hours and I getting seriously bored. I don't know anything to do, I have seen 2 films, play games and have eaten a lot, too much even. Normally it would have been the best day of my life because Brook and I were going on a date, and that date would have changed everything between us.

It cost me almost a month to organize everything. I have worked everything out until the smallest details. It was just going to be perfect, just like Brook self. We would start our date by walking through the woods, Brook would get cold after some time because he didn't bring his jacket and I would offer mine to him, he would accept it, and he would blush. My jacket would be too big for him, but he would look so cute in it.

Then we would take a taxi before we start driving, I would blindfold him, so he can't see where we are going. Then we would drive to the fanciest restaurant in town. I would help him get out of the car and when we are standing in front of the restaurant I would take off his blindfold. He would be so happy and hug me, but he would say that he is not dressed for it and begin to become nervous. I would say that he looks amazing, he would be blushing and say that it's not true and look down. I would cup his face and force him to look at me and then I say that he is the best dressed and most beautiful person who would sit in the restaurant. He is going to tell me to stop, and he would be blushing so much that he looks like a tomato. I would drag him inside, and then we would have a great meal. We would talk and laugh a lot.

When we would be ready, we would leave and take a ride to the cinema. We would see a romantic film. But first, we would pass the shop. We would grab a drank and Brook should want to have popcorn and I would take a big bowl, and he would look weird at me, and he would ask me why I take such a big one, which I would answer that It's easier to take one big bowl then two small ones. When we settle down in the cinema room, the lights will go out and Brook would take my hand because he doesn't like the dark.

The film would be so beautiful and at some point, we both would grab some popcorn. Or hands would touch, and he would pull his one away and would be shy. I would grab his hand, and we would look in each other's eyes, our glances would not come off, and we would move closer and closer and closer until our lips touch each other, they would move synchronically, and we would kiss, with love and passion. We would only stop kissing because we need air. We would look back at the film, but we both wouldn't be able to concentrate and constantly look at the other. We would hold hands and would intertwine or fingers.

When the film is finished, and we would be standing outside on the stairs in front of the building, that would be the most important moment. I finally ask him to be my boyfriend. He would smile, and he would be jumping up and down. He would say "Yes! Yes! Yes! Sure I want to be Your boyfriend, I would love to". I would draw him to me and we would kiss. It would be the perfect kiss, and we wouldn't care about the surrounding people.

"Jack! Jack! Jack" hey, hello" Rye get me out of my mind, by shaking me. "Hey, stop it would you, what's wrong?" I ask angrily because he ruined my beautiful thoughts. "Ow, sorry. I just wanted to say that I've come to take your place" Rye says with his hand in the air. "Ow, OK, euh... sorry" I say and walk out of the room. When I enter my room I walk to my bed and let me fall on it.

Oooo, Brook, it should have been the perfect day, it should have been such a special day for us, for our relationship. I could finally kiss you and call you my boyfriend. We would be so happy, and we only need each other. Brook, I love you so much, I hoop you know that.

And don't get me wrong, I know Andy can't help it. There must have been a reason why he is acting so strange. And I know that the situation he has been going through isn't easy, and I understand that, but why does it need to happen today. Maybe I need to see it in another way, now I can organize an even better day. It needs to be a day that Brook needs to remember for his whole life. It has to be one of the best days of his life, I will make sure of that.

Thank you hye_diaries for the beautiful edit, go and follow her on instagram, if there is someone else who can make great edit's, be free to send me a message. Btw thank you for reading and voting. Love you all🤍

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