21| the breakup

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Rye's POV

I still love Andy so much and I regret every day that I let him down, that I broke up with him. I didn't want to, but all the pressure that came on me and the hate I got from everyone and then my father. He said I wasn't gay and that I had to break up with Andy, otherwise I would never be allowed in with them again, and they wouldn't want me as their son. I would never be allowed to see my brothers again, and they would never help me when I needed them. And I have been stupid enough to break up with Andy. To ruin my chance of a good future. To throw everything away, just for my father. I knew my mother and brothers didn't mind, but I don't know why I gave in any way. It was as if I was no longer myself, someone else had taken possession of my body. And to cope with the sadness of the breakup I looked for someone else, and so I ended up with Amy. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but I will always love Andy more. He is just my soulmate.

In the meantime, everyone had finished recording his pieces. Andy had fallen asleep on the sofa. He was completely exhausted. Mickey wanted to wake him up but I stopped him. "I'll carry him" I say while I keep looking at Andy. "OK" Mickey says and he walks outside. I pick up Andy bridal style. he snuggled in my chest and I walk outside. I put him in the car and fasten his belt. I go to the other side of the car and crawl into it. I put myself next to Andy and fasten my seatbelt.

After a few minutes, I feel something on my shoulder. It is Andy resting his head on my shoulder. I smile on the sight. It is just like old times. It feels so good. I have to break up with Amy, I have to do it. I love Andy too much.

We get to the flat and I get Andy out of the car. He snuggled again in my chest, but this time he also grabs my shirt. I walk inside and put him to bed, but he doesn't let go of my shirt. Not that I mind so much because I want to be close to him, hold him but I can't, I have to leave. It is almost 5 o'clock already and I still have to walk to Amy's house. Eventually, I manage to get loose while the others are laughing with me.

A few minutes later I am on my way to Amy. I don't know how I am going to break up, she is going to be broken and angry anyway, and she probably never wants to see me again. But I'm willing to give that up to be with Andy. But I'm also ready to give up my family for him? Maybe my mother still wants to see me and with the best of luck, it's only my father who reacts that way. My mother and brothers didn't agree with what my father said, but they didn't dare speak to him. Luckily I still have my friends when they drop me. they will always be there for me and from then on Andy and I will always be together. We will never be separated again. I only want him, only him. I love him. "I love him" I shout loud and smile. People look at me with a questioning look, some of them smiles, others ignore me. They seem to be happy or don't care that I said 'him'. They accept me, even though they don't know me. dreaming away like that, I didn't see the older lady and almost ran over her. "Ow sorry" I say a bit scared of her reaction. "Oh young one, it's nothing. But why so a hurry" she asks. "I finally dare to be honest with myself and admit that I love him and that I shouldn't care what others say" I say enthusiastically. "Good boy, he will be happy with someone like you" she says. "But first I have to arrange something" I say. "Then go, don't waste time, I'll be fine" she says and I leave, further to Amy. I have stress to tell her, but I have to.


When I finally get to Amy I knock on the door. The door opens almost immediately and there is a half-naked Amy in front of me. I look at her with my mouth open. She is wearing sexy lingerie made of black lace. I am completely stiffened and don't know what to do any more, what I was doing. She drags me inside by my collar and starts to kiss me and pushes me against the wall. Her tongue slips inside and she explores my whole mouth. She jumps and slaps her legs around me. I grab her by her ass and squeeze her a little. I lead us to the bedroom without breaking the kiss. I throw her on the bed and start kissing. She starts pulling on my shirt to say she wants it off. I pull it off. We kiss back and her hands find a way to my hair, I hold her by the waist. She rolls us over so she is on top.

⚠️End smut

Suddenly I remember what I came to do. I came to break up and now I am kissing her. This can't be true! What is happening to me? I push her away from me, and she falls on the floor. She looks at me startled and confused. "What the fuck!" she screams "Is something wrong?". "Yes, I... I wanted to break up whit you" I say without looking at her. "Ah, we can talk enough later" she says, and she crawls on my lap and starts to kiss me back. "No, no!" I shout and push her away from me again and walk to my shirt and put it back on. "I came here to break up with you, not to make love with you" I said as I grabbed my coat. "What?" she asks "if it's for what I said, I'm really sorry" she says. "No, it's just... that... uh... I, well never mind" I say and walk out. "Rye wait please!" I hear her shouting, but I walk on. I came to break up with her and I did, now I can be happy with Andy, if he still wants me. What if he doesn't want me any more? What should I do then? I feel fear coming on. What if he doesn't want me any more? What if he hates me for what has happened? Maybe he has had enough of me? Maybe he just wants to be friends and nothing more.

Suddenly I get a message. It's from an unknown number. I open the message "stay away from Andy" it says. It's yet another message I get, but I've ignored enough. I'm not going to stay away from Andy, I'm going to try everything to get back together with him. "I'm never leaving him alone again" I sent him back. That person shouldn't think I'm going to leave him. That was the last time I did that. I want him with me and I never want to lose him again. "I warn you!" I get a message back. "You can warn me as much as you want, I won't leave him alone" I send back and I block the number. With a smile on my face, I start walking back home. I want Andy, only Andy. He is the person I love so much. He is the person who makes me a better person, and he is there from me, he is someone who doesn't need an explanation to understand me. The person I want to share my life with. I love you, Andrew Robert Fowler! And I'm going to show it to you!

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