9| memories

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Andy's POV

Arg...my head hurts so bad. It's like somebody hitting a baseball bat on my head every second. I hear so much and everything is so loud. I try to open my eyes but I can't, I feel weak. I hear a familiar voice, but I can't tell who it is. Wait it's... it's Rye and someone else. I'm trying to concentrate on the voices, Brook's there and Jack and Mickey. I hear another voice. It's a heavy male voice, but I don't recognise it. Who is it? They're leaving. Wait no! They're not leaving! I want to shout, but I can't control my body. I seem trapped inside my body. I can't do anything, I decide to surrender and fall into a deep sleep.

My eyes open, but I quickly close them again, because of the bright sunlight entering the room. I let my eyes get used to the light. After a few seconds, they get used to it. I look around me, but I am not in my room. It is a place I have never been to before. I look around, and I am in a hospital room. Why am I in the hospital? Everything's starting to spin.

"He's awake" I hear a voice saying. The voice sounds familiar. I turn my head to meet Brook. He's got tears in his eyes, and he hugs me right away. I hug him right back, but I'm confused about what's going on. It's a strong hug. Brook's crying, but why? We separate and I see Mickey. He also hugs me "how are you feeling?" he asks worriedly. "I have a headache and feel dizzy" I answer with a weak voice. "But why am I in the hospital?" I ask confused. "We'll explain all that to you later" says Mickey. "Now we have to call the doctor first" and he pushes the red button above the bed. But why do I need a doctor? What's happened? Why am I here? I hear sobbing next to me and it's Brook crying. I hate to see him sad, he's like a little brother to me and I would do anything to see him happy and I will always protect him. I put my hand on his arm. He looks up and I give him a little smile. "I thought I'd lost you" he sobs, "I wouldn't know what to do without you, Andy" again tears roll down his cheeks. I pull him towards me and hug him. I feel my shirt getting wet from his tears, but that doesn't matter. "You'll never lose me and I couldn't live without you" I say in the hug. Why is he so sad? What happened anyway? Mickey's looking at us. A tear rolls down his cheek as well, but he wipes it away quickly. I felt a stabbing pain on my head. I reach for it with one hand and notice that there's a bandage around my head. Brook and I separate. He looks at me and sees that I am confused. "You have a wound on your head, that's why there is a bandaged," he says in a soft voice.

That's when a doctor and a nurse came in. "Hello Andrew, how are you?" asks the doctor. He pulls out a pen and a clipboard and starts to write everything down. "I have a headache and feel dizzy" I answer. The doctor does some more examinations and takes care of the wound on my head. It stings a little, but for the rest, it's not so bad. "The wound looks good" the doctor says and goes back to my bed. "So Andrew can you tell me what's the last thing is you remember?" asks the doctor while leaning his hands on the foot end. Why does he ask that? The last thing I remember is that I came home from the bar where I met Max and fell asleep in Mickey's arms, but all the rest is a black hole. "That I came home from the bar and fell asleep," I say. "That happened two days ago" Mickey says, "What?" I look confused at him, what's going on and why does it look like I don't know anything? "All right, we still have some tests to do, but I think you have a slight concussion" he says. I didn't know what to say. "Is that bad?" I hear Brook say worried. "No, it's only temporary, his memories will come back," the doctor said to Brook. Brook nodded, I couldn't do anything, it looked like I was frozen. What happened? Concussion? Where did I get it? With every thought, the headache got worse and I let my head rest in my hands. "Andy, are you OK?" asked Mickey worried. All I did was shake my head no. "I'll have painkillers brought in, but he needs to rest a lot. So I want to ask you to leave." said the doctor to Brook and Mickey. No, I don't want them to leave! I hate being alone! "No, can they stay, please" I begged in a trembling voice. "All right, but you need to rest enough" the doctor finally admitted. I nodded, and he left the room, but not before he said goodbye.

A few minutes later a nurse comes in with a cup and a couple of pills. "Here, you have to take these and then you have to rest," she says in a kind and gentle voice. I nod and take the pills. Arg... I hate taking pills and I hate hospitals. "Have a good day gentleman" says the nurse, and she leaves the room. "Rest now Andy, you need it" says Brook. I nod and lay back on the pillow. I feel like I'm sinking into the bed and before I know it I'm in a deep sleep.

I'm standing in the middle of the street, it's crowded and all the people are laughing. I walk a bit further, but suddenly the people disappear, one by one. Until there's no one left. Where's everyone gone. I look around me anxiously, where is everyone? What's going on? I start walking and walking, but nowhere is anyone. I stop and there's a car passing by and again and again. Then I see the car coming towards me. I close my eyes and keep my hands in front of my face. "AAAAA" I scream as loud as I can. "Hey, Andy calm down." It's Brook's voice, he sounds panicked. I open my eyes, but I'm not on the street anymore and there's no car. My breathing is irregular. Brook's on the edge of the bed. "Calm down, it was just a nightmare" he says with his soft voice, and he grabs my hand and rubs it with his thumbs. "Go back to sleep, I'm here" he says, I close my eyes and immediately feel safe when Brook is with me.

Next day

Meanwhile, I'm sitting on my bed waiting for Mickey to get here. I finally get to go home and I'm very happy about that. Because I hate hospitals. The doctor has done some more tests, but apart from the concussion, I have nothing serious. The wound on my head wasn't too bad and should have healed within a few days. The doctor has prescribed painkillers, but most of all I need to rest a lot. I hate resting, I have to be busy. I can't sit still. Where is Mickey now, he needed to be there half an hour ago. I still don't know how I ended up in the hospital. None of the boys wanted to say anything about it.

I changed the way of writing after some tips, let me know if you like it better or not. It would be very nice if you want to vote and follow me. You can always give me tips on how I can make the story better or easier to read. I will then try to apply it. 

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