11| air!

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⚠️Before reading this chapter: I don't hate Andy or any of the boys, but for the story there are scenes of hate. All the boys are amazing and I love them all! enjoy reading!🤍

Rye's POV

I know Brook doesn't trust me, but I'm glad Mickey's giving me the chance. Brook must be angry. He says he understands me, but he won't trust me anymore, and I don't blame him. I wouldn't trust myself either. I'll sit down on the couch and look at Andy. He's so cute when he's asleep. Actually, he's always cute. The bandage hides some of his blonde locks and his deep blue eyes are shielded from the world as he sleeps. The eyes I can drown in if I look in them for too long. His lips are slightly separated. They seem to be begging to be kissed. No, no Rye you can't love him anymore. You're with Amy now, not Andy. I'm drowning in thought, most of them are thoughts about Andy, I'm trying to push them away, but I can't. I can't.

It's been half an hour and I've put on a film and grabbed popcorn. Andy's still asleep and Brook, Jack and Mickey are still in the store. I don't know why, but put on up Andy's favourite film. When we were together, we watched it so many times. He loves that film. Suddenly my phone rings. I walk to the kitchen where it is. It's a message from Amy.

Babe: Feel like doing something fun Xxx

Me: no sorry I can't. x

babe: why not

Me: I have to watch Andy.

Babe: Can't anyone else do that?

Me: no everyone's gone

Babe: He's old enough to take care of himself, nothing will happen. Come on and we can have some fun xxx

Me: I can't, I can't leave him alone.

Babe: So he's more important than me

Me: no, that's not true at all.

Me: We'll meet another day, ok?

Me: babe?

Me: babe, answer. Please, babe.

Perfect. Now she's mad at me. She gets angry so fast anyway. I can't lose her. I have to make up for it, but I can't leave. Well, nothing's going to happen anyway... I'll just call Mickey and tell him I need to leave. Probably Andy will still be asleep when they get back. I'll call Mickey. "Hey Rye, is something wrong?" he asks. "Uh...yeah, can you come here fast?" I ask. "Why? Something's wrong with Andy," he's worried. "No, no, I just have to leave very urgently" I reassure him. "Why, you were going to stay with him?" He asks. He sounds a little angry. "I'm sorry, but I really have to go" I say. "But R..." Mickey wants to say something, but I've already ended the call and I'm putting my shoes and coat on. Before I walk out the door look at Andy again. Amy's right, he's old enough to take care of himself. With that I walk out of the flat and go to Amy, but how am I going to make it up to her?

Andy' POV

I'm in a beautiful park. The park is covered with flowers in bloom. The trees carry blossoms and people laugh, children play, everyone is happy. It's like the perfect world, where there's no evil and nothing goes wrong. It's the world I've always wanted to live in. There's no hate and no loneliness here. Everyone is kind to everyone. Wow, I want to be here forever. I'll lay among the flowers and stare at the sky. Wow, here everything is so much better. Here I don't get criticized for all the little things I do, everything I say. It's like no one likes me, but here everyone likes you. I get up and start walking. The streets are so colourful and everyone's the same. Dark and white, straight or gay, no one gets shut out, but the further I walk the darker it gets and the more people disappear until there's no one left. Where is everyone? They leave you" shouts a voice. It's a voice that gives me the shivers. "No one loves you" the voice comes back "You shouldn't have been born" "You're ugly, fat..." I put my hands on my ears and squeeze my eyes shut and roll me up into a ball. I can't hear what the voice is saying, but even pushing my hands against my ears doesn't work. The voice is much too loud. I feel two arms. They hug me, but then I'm dragged along. "Help! Let go of me! I shout as loud as I can. I look around me and there's no one, no one to help, no one to save me. "Andy, no one will help you, you're doomed, hahahahah" the voice is there again. My breathing begins to accelerate and becomes irregular. I'm starting to beat around the bush "no! Help!" I shout, but no one's coming. Tears roll down my cheeks. "No! Please! Please! Let go of me!" I'm sobbing. I'm scared! Then the arms throw me into a jar. The deeper I fall, the darker it gets, until I don't see anything anymore.

My eyes open and I see light again. I come straight up and I'm in my room. My breathing is irregular and I can't control it. I feel dizzy because of the lack of oxygen. I need my inhaler, but where is it? I get up, but everything is still spinning and before I know it I fall to the ground with a smack. All the air is being pushed out of my lungs and it is getting harder and harder to breathe. It looks like there is a whole house resting on my chest. I try to get up, but it doesn't work. I try to shout, but nothing comes out. "Help" comes out very weakly and quietly. Was this it? Am I dying? Breathing's getting harder and harder and I'm starting to see black, my eyes are getting heavy. I feel weaker and weaker. I can't move anymore, I have no more energy, no more strength to fight. "No Andy, don't close your eyes" I hear a voice in my head saying. Air! I need Air! The black is beginning to take more and more of my sight...

Again I love Andy and all the boys, and they don't deserve hate. It's just rude when you give other persons hate, let everybody be who they want to be, and not who they need to be!!! Hope you enjoy the story!🤍

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