27| school problems

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⚠️This part contains valance, homophobia, bullying, ...

Andy's POV

I ask "Louis where are we going?" as he pulls me along. "My feet go so fast that I can hardly follow them myself. "Wow calm down!" I shout and that's when I stumble and fall on Louis. He walked backwards so that I am now lying on his chest. We come down with a hard blow. I quickly lift my head and look at him. I feel my heartbeat increase, and I am starting to get it really hot. Yes what else would you do if you just fell on the person you're in love with. "Hey, hey, maybe you can get up, then we can move on" says Louis waving his hands in front of my face. I quickly crawl off him, and he stands up and gives me his hand to help me up. Again we start walking. I have absolutely no idea where we are going and why we are in such a hurry.

Louis is the most handsome and friendliest boy I know. He is big and muscular, actually the opposite of me, but he is totally my type, and we have been best friends for some time, but I have started to feel more for him, only I don't know if he feels the same for men, I don't even know if he is gay.  I've wanted to tell him so many times, but every time I want to do it I'm too scared, because what if he doesn't feel the same way, maybe he's going to hate me or ignore me, maybe he's going to tell everyone in school that I'm gay. Not that I am ashamed of who I am, but I am scared of the reactions of the others.

Louis shouts "we're almost there". He gets me out of my mind, and we arrive at an open place in the woods. There is a small river and next to it there is a picnic clothe and lots and lots of food. "What?" I say surprised. "Happy birthday Andy!" Louis shouts and hugs me. "Is this for me?" I ask unbelievably. "Sure, I wouldn't do this for someone else" he says smirking. My heart makes a jump, I can't believe he did this form me, only for me!  I can't believe it! He has arranged a date for me or it's just out of friendship, but still, I've never got anything so beautiful. I never really had a real birthday present. We settle down. He pours a glass of wine and gives it to me. He does the same, but one for him.

We eat, drink and talk. This is the best birthday I've ever had. "Thank you for the nice gift" I say a little blushing. "That's nothing, I'll do anything for you" he says with a smile. With that sentence, it seemed as if my heart skipped a few beats. Would he really do anything for me? Would he like me too? Would... would I go for it? With a little hesitation, I start leaning forward and soon our lips touch. He kisses back and grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him and I put my arms around his neck. The kiss becomes deeper and more passionate. Suddenly he pushes me hard away from him and I fall on my back. "This... this is... this is wrong" he says while standing up. "Louis? What... what do you mean" I ask confused. "I am not gay" he says. "But..." I want to say something, but someone interrupts me "who is gay? Louis are you gay?" says one of Louis friends, what is he even doing here? "No, I am not gay" he says. "Ow so or little Andy is Gay, I knew it" he says And runs away laughing. Louis stand op And want to run away, but I stop him. "Wait!" I say while grabbing his hand. "No, you're disgusting, your gay, stay away from be" he says en runs away en leave me alone.

What he just said, hurts a lot. He says I am disgusted because I am gay, he... he doesn't like me. A tear rolls down my cheek

In the meantime, we are two days further and I haven't heard from Louis or someone else any more. What are they going to say, what will they say at school? Have they told it to the rest of the school, that I am gay?

I arrive at school, I noticed that several people were looking at me. When I walk into the school everyone looks at me, I start to feel uncomfortable because of the looks they give me. They look at me like I am a piece of dirt. I walk with my head down to my locker, but I feel the looks burning on my skin. I arrive at my locker and open it quickly, hoping to hide my face from everyone's eyes, but when I open my locker all the papers fall out. I start to pick them up and hear the other people laugh in the background. When I have put some notes in my backpack I notice that there is something on different notes and I start to read them. "Shame on you" "slut" "sucker" "faggot"... those were a few notes and on each note, there was a name. I quickly put them all away, close my locker and walk to the toilet.

I storm into the toilet and sit down in one of the pits. I take the notes out of my backpack and start reading them one by one. Tears roll down my cheeks. Everyone from school has written something. I hear the bell and wipe my tears away and leave the toilet. The corridors were already empty when I went to my class. I went into the classroom and the teacher gave me a sermon about being late. With my head down I go to my place.

When I sat down I felt something against my back. I turn around and there is a piece of paper on the floor. "I'm sorry, come to the tree after school if you want to give me another chance. Louis x" my heart jumped as I read the note. I don't know why, but I believe what he has written. I think he was overwhelmed by my action at the lake.

It was afternoon, and I was on my way to the cafeteria. All of a sudden I bump into someone big. It is Rick, the fright of the school. "Hey, little one, what have I heard, you're gay" he says as he stands with his arms crossed in front of me. shit, what do I need to do, is he going to beat me up? "Hey, sucker, answer" says one of the others. I don't say anything and walk past them, but I'm soon stopped by someone grabbing me by the arm. I shout "aw". Rick has grabbed me by my arm and holds it up, so my feet almost don't touch the ground any more. "I said something to your faggot and if you think you can ignore me I'll have to teach you, that's not how it works" he says with an angry face and a grin.

He throws me against the wall and my head hits the wall with a loud bang. I grab my head in pain and tears starting to stream down my face "Look how weak you are" says one of the friends. "Oy, is the baby in pain" says another. "Boys, let's show him what real pain is" says Rick. I lift my head in shock and widen my eyes. Fear takes my body over and I don't know how to react. What are they going to do to me? I want to shout, but nothing comes out of my mind and the boys are getting closer and closer. They start hitting me and stomping me. Tears roll down my cheeks, I call them to stop, but nothing helps.

They only stop when the bell rings and leave me lying there. A few minutes later I manage to get up, but everything hurts, I can't even walk properly, so I limp a bit. Nobody is going to know that's something is wrong, because basically nobody cares about me and everybody thinks I am disgusting because I am gay. The rest of the day they don't leave me alone, they throw papers on me with all kinds of threatening and names they give me. they shout at me and I want so badly that this day is over.

It is the end of the school day and I walk to the tree where Louis wants me to go, I just need him, I need love. I was actually still surprised that he was there. With pain and tears, I walked up to him and hugged him. "I... I want to give you another chance... I can't live without you" I say between sobs. "You really thought I wanted another chance with you" says Louis. I get away from him and look at him with tears in my eyes. "What...what...what...do you mean?" I ask him stuttering. "Look at you Andy, you're weak. You are disgusting, your gay. You are weak and naive" he says. "w...what?" I ask crying. Because I was so busy with Louis I didn't realize that Rick and his friends were coming behind me. he grabbed me tightly, I tried to get loose, but it didn't work. I am so scared, I don't want to be beaten up again. "Louis please, help me!" I shout. "aw, Louis, show our dear friend what we do to weaklings" says Rick with a grin. Louis started hitting me and gave me several hard blows in my face and belly. "No... aw...Louis...please" I beg him, but he doesn't stop and start hitting harder. He kept hitting me until they let me go and I fell to the ground crying. I rolled up into a ball, but they wouldn't leave me alone. Now the others start hitting and stomping me too. I shout, but no one comes to help me.

Thank you all so much for reading, let me know what you think of the story and don't forget to follow and vote.🤍

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