14| the person of my nightmares

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Mickey's POV

Brook and Jack are on a date to London. Although they say it's not a date, but you can clearly see that they're smitten with each other. They're really cute together, but Brook is too shy to say it and with Jack it's the first time he felt that way for a boy, or anyone. He told me that not long ago. I hope someday they admit their feelings and finally form a couple. And then only Rye and Andy have to get back together, which doesn't seem difficult for me, since they are still in love with each other and then my life is perfect.

Andy and I decided to have a film night, and we ordered pizza. After a few minutes, the bell rings. "I'll go" Andy shouts enthusiastically and walks to the front door. He comes back with 2 pizza boxes. One for me and one for him. We put on a film and start eating. After half an hour we both have eaten enough. I've eaten my whole pizza, but Andy hasn't even finished the half.

A little while later

The film is over and I've already set up a new one. Andy has fallen asleep by now. He's always so cute when he sleeps. Suddenly I hear the bell. "arg...who's forgotten his key again" I say to no one in particular. I pause the film and walk to the front door. However, I am terrified when I see an angry Blair standing in front of me. "Where's Andy?" he says angry. "He's asleep you can't talk to him right now," I say and stand in front of him with my arms crossed. I have no intention of letting him in. Andy's asleep right now, and he needs to rest and Blair needs to understand that. "Mickey let me in now!" he says furiously. "No, it's not the right moment now" I say and I want to close the door, but it's blocked by his foot that he puts between the door. He pushes the door open again. "I said you can't talk to him now!" I shout. He comes in and pushes me aside. I fall to the ground with a smack and Blair turns around. "You can't forbid me anything," he says, and he walks up to the room where Andy is. I quickly crawl up and chase him. When he throws the door open, I see Andy shocked and still half asleep. Just like me, he didn't expect Blair to come. "Andy we need to talk," he says in a stern voice. Andy nods as he looks at his hands. "Andy, if you can't, just say so." I'm trying to convince him. "No, no Mickey, it's okay" he says. He tries to hide the trembling in his voice, but I still notice him. He's scared. I still haven't forgotten what happened then. I still don't believe Andy bumped into anything. Blair's going to have done something, but I don't know what, and Andy keeps saying he just bumped into the bed. "You heard him, get out of here" says Blair pisses. "But Andy," I look at Andy with a begging look. "It's all right Mickey, go ahead" he says. I'll walk to the door, but before I leave to I turn around. "If there's anything, just shout" I say. "He'll be fine." Blair snarls at me. I open the door and leave the room. Andy hasn't looked up at me for a moment. What's the matter with him? I decide to go in Brook and Jack's room, that's where I can best hear if there's anything. I put myself down and start scrolling through my Instagram. I see a picture of Jack and Brook together. Hahaha no date, but they're almost kissing. It's a jacklyn fan account. I scroll a little further through Instagram and watch some videos on YouTube.

Andy's POV

I woke up by noise in the hallway. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and put myself straight. Mickey's not here, but I can hear his voice in the hallway. I hear a smack and footsteps coming my way. The door flies open and I'm terrified at the sight of Blair. He looks furious. "Andy we need to talk" he says in a stern voice. Ow no, he wants to talk, but if he's going to ask what happened, I can't answer him, because everything's still a blur and I wouldn't know what happened. I nod. "Andy if you can't, just say so" says Mickey. I know he's just trying to help, but otherwise, he's going to get in trouble. "No, no Mickey, it's okay" I'm trying to hide the trembling in my voice. To be honest, I'm afraid of how Blair's going to react... "you heard him, get out of here," says Blair pisses. "But Andy" Mickey looks at me, but I don't dare look up, afraid he's going to see the fear in my eyes. He turns around and walks to the door, but before he walks out of the room he turns around one more time. "If there's anything, just shout" he says. I want to say something, but Blair is ahead of me. "He'll be okay," Blair snarls at him. I feel bad about what he's behaviour towards Mickey. He leaves the room and Blair turns back to me. "Tell me what's going on now," he says harshly. "I..." I tried to say, but I got cut off. "If you want to get out of the band," he asks angry "then say so." "No that... that's not it at all" I say stuttering. "Then why are you acting like this?" I want to say something but Blair intervenes again "and don't say it's because of the kidnapping, because I don't believe anything about that" he says "what?" I'm surprised. Kidnapping? Kidnapping what? I feel my breathing speeding up and getting irregular. Is that why I can't remember anything. "And I don't believe any of that concussion either, so say it!" Blair says angry. "I... I really don't know," I say. "Don't be silly Andy, I've had enough of it, if you don't get back in the game, it's over for you in the band." I look at him in shock. I don't want to be thrown out of the band. My breathing gets heavier and it gets even more irregular. The room started spinning and I started to feel bad. All the thoughts were too much for me. I've been kidnapped. I can't remember a thing. I'm trying to get up, but I'm having trouble holding up. I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and some painkillers as the headache started coming back, but Blair stopped me. I tried with all my strength to get out of his grip, but it didn't work. I felt an immense fear coming up and started to resist even more. I got it hot and started sweating. There were all these thoughts shooting through my head, but I couldn't get a clear picture. Suddenly I saw the person from my nightmare again, he was holding me and I couldn't getaway. I started pulling and felt my breathing getting faster and faster. I got scared. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wanted to get away from here, away from the person, the person trying to kidnap me. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. It seemed as if my throat was pinched I couldn't scream, couldn't breathe and couldn't swallow. I completely stiffened when I saw his look. Two dark eyes stared at me, I look straight into his eyes and then the person let me go. I fall to the ground. I hit my back against something hard. I put my hands on my eyes and roll myself up into a small ball. Hoping the person would leave me alone, but I felt a hand again. I started hitting and he pulled away. Help! I'm scared! I look around quickly, but I'm back in the deserted street, no one can help me and no place to hide. I put my head back in my hands. The tears are unstoppable. Again the hands came back. He wanted to grab me, he wanted to take me with him. I started hitting back and they went away again. "Help! Help! Help! I'm scared! Somebody help me, please!" I beg, but it's like no one can hear me. I hear voices, but don't dare to look. I'm afraid he's still here. He's going to kidnap me.

New chapter!! Hope you like it, let me know what you think and don't forget to follow and vote. Also follow me on Instagram: randy.fanfiction.roadtrip!!!🤍

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