6| where's Andy

209 11 2

Brooks prof

Mickey, Jack and I are coming back from shopping. It's been a long time because it's hard for me to choose. But I think I've got everything now. I've got two cases in my hands and Mickey and Jack had three each. In defense, it's not all mine. Mickey and Jack also bought some. Ok, not as much as me, but still. We walk up the stairs and I open the door. We walk in the direction of the kitchen.

Brook: pfff ... finally home

Jack: Yeah, Who was supposed to have clothes?

Brook: Hey you guys bought something too!

Jack: Yeah but it took you so long.

Brook: Yeah, I have to look good, don't I or do I have to walk around in my underpants?

Jack looks at me from head to toe and smirks.

Jack: you're allowed without underpants and you always look great.

He smirks and gives me a wink. My cheeks start to burn and everyone must see that I'm blushing. I give him a little smile and look at the ground. Jack is so sweet and sexy and... oh yeah did I already said I feel more than friendship for Jack. But I don't know if he feels the same way about me. Maybe he just sees me as a very good friend.

Mickey: uh... hello, I'm here, too!

Mickey's voice stops me from thinking and brings back to reality. I throw the bags somewhere in a corner and put myself down on the couch and put the TV on.

Mickey: No, no, no, no... take those bags to your room. I don't want them here.

Brook: I'll do it in a minute.

Mickey: I know that and then it'll be there another week and I'll have to put it away anyway. Take it away now!

Brook: But Mickey...

Mickey: No now!

I'm sighing and grabbing my cases. I have to walk up and down a few times because I have several cases. To bully Jack, I put the cases on his bed. He's so sexy when he's annoyed. I laugh at myself at the thought when he sees the cases on his bed. When I have put all the cases in the room I quickly walk to the toilet. I had to pee for an eternity, it was a waterfall that came out...ow...wait no...never mind, I never said that. I wash my hands and walk to the door. Before I walk outside, a thought shoots through my head. I thought about how angry Andy was the last time I left the lid up. I walk back quickly and close the lid. I walk to the kitchen and mickey and jack are talking. I walk to the fridge to get something to eat.

Mickey: maybe he's in the bathroom

Brook: Who?

Jack: andy

Brook: No he can't. I've just been to the bathroom...

Jack: where is he?

Brook: Walking?

Jack: And where's rye?

Brook: ow he's in his room. It was already noisy there.

Mickey: Maybe he saw him?

Brook: ow I'll go

I start jumping like a little kid with my hand in the air. I walk quickly to rye his room. It's suspiciously quiet. In case you didn't know, rye isn't the quietest. When he was with andy, he was very nice. Now we barely see him, let alone hear him, unless he has sex. And that stupid girl, I hate her. I open the door without knocking and face a naked rye and that girl. Quickly I hold my hands in front of my eyes and turn around.

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