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Rye's POV

After a long time, I am finally going for a run. It has been so long ago I can't even remember the last time I did go for a run. Ow, wait, no I do remember it was with Andy. I finally convinced him to go for a run. He doesn't like running, but for me, he did it. It was so cute, Andy who doesn't like running and standing up early, come for a run with me, I love him so much.

But today, I am alone. Everyone was sleeping and Andy had an awful nightmare, so I think he better to let him sleep a little. I am not going to lie, I loved the feeling of Andy laying on me, I love to feel his breath on my skin, to feel his touch and hear his heartbeat.

I was actually planning on asking Andy to be my boyfriend again, but because he didn't feel that good, as I am sure he throws up last night, I thought it wasn't a good idea. And I didn't have the chance to ask it because he has run away. But today I am going to ask him, I am going to ask if he wants to be my boyfriend, if he wants to be with me. I am so excited. Also, I am a little scared. maybe he doesn't want to be with me any more, maybe he is in love with someone else. And I can't blame him, I broke up with him, because I was scared. Because I was scared of everyone's reaction because our relationship was becoming more public and I didn't want that. And also scared of what my parents would think, or more what my father would do. Would he throw me out of the family and force everyone to never see me again, to never speak to me again. I was so scared of losing them. But now, I am not scared any more, I am happy with who I am because I'm beautiful, that's what Andy always said to me when I was uncertain. If my family and friends don't love me for who I am, maybe they shouldn't be out off my life. But I am sure my mom and brothers at least will love me, even if I am gay or bi, because family always loves you, no matter what you have done or who you love. I don't like to give myself a label, because why do we need a label, we are just ourselves, I am me, and I am not gay or bi or straight, I am a person who loves another person if it is a girl or boy, that doesn't matter. I am Rye.

ooo, and I am so happy I have broken up with Amy, she wasn't the right person for me. She needs so much attention, and I am sure that she was cheating on me.

I am ready to go for a run, I have my sneakers on, my headset and my music. But I have also a strange feeling like something is going to happen, something bad. Probable I am just imagining it. Maybe I haven't slept enough. I shake my head to get the thoughts out of my mind and leave the flat. I have left a paper to let the others know I am going for a run, you know how fast they worried about something.

When I step outside and the door behind me closed I take a deep breath. I feel the fresh air fill my lungs. It feels so good but not as good as when I am with Andy. I take another deep breath, look around, put on my music and begin to run.

It's very quiet outside, there isn't a lot of traffic or people on the route, what I think is amazing. People are probable still sleeping, like Andy. He is so cute when he sleeps, I love it how he snuggles into my chest when he sleeps and his slight snoring is so adorable.

"ow excuse me" I say to the woman I almost ran in. She looks at me with an angry face. I don't care much about it, it's not my fault, it's Andy's. Because his beauty and cuteness distract me from the world around me.

After some time, I reach the forest. I really like this place, not only because Andy and I had our first date here, but also because it's a place where you can totally relax and clear your head. Also, the beautiful sounds of the birds and the smell of the forest make me feel amazing. I think that the forest looks like a place of a fairytale, so beautiful is it.

My beautiful thoughts about Andy and the forest are interrupted by a sound, not a natural one. I stop running and look around, but I can't find the source of the sound. Probable I have just Imagen it. I turn around and begin to run again. But I hear the sound again, this time I don't stop, but just look after me, but still nothing. I get again that weird feeling from before, that feeling like something is going to happen, so I begin to run faster. I am almost at the end of the forest. I don't feel safe and with every sound, I hear I begin to run faster. The one so peaceful forest has now become the scariest place to be.

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