16| the confrontation

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Jack's POV

I'm so sorry for Andy. He doesn't deserve any of this. He's such a good and kind person, and he never hurts anybody. He'll always help everyone, even if this is the person he hates the most. He loves everyone as they are, and he doesn't judge anyone. Then why does he have to go through all this? Why does he have to have all the bad things that can happen? I don't understand how Rye missed his chance to be there for Andy. He just ran away, how could he! He doesn't deserve And! Andy's too good to be with someone who lets him down over and over again. And Brookie will never trust Rye again. He didn't then, so now he's completely lost it.

Brook, Mickey and I were talking when I suddenly heard a noise in the hallway. I stopped talking to listen to what it was and soon it became clear that our lost bandmate had come home. I saw that Brook and Mickey didn't hear it at first and looked at me strangely, but a few seconds later they had heard it too. I heard laughter, but it wasn't just one person, no there were two. There was a male and female voice and I soon knew to who the female voice belonged. Amy... I hate her, just like everyone else, by the way. She's really selfish and doesn't give a shit about anyone else. I get up and I walk down the hallway. I saw Rye and Amy laughing. Rye saw me coming and held his arms open with a smile to hug me, but that smile quickly disappeared when he saw that I wasn't in a good mood. I was just angry, furious and I felt like giving him a good slap in the face, but I tried to hold back. "We need to talk" I say strictly when I come to a standstill and cross my arms. Rye looks at me with a little frightened look. "Amy, go to the room, I'm coming after" he says to Amy. The ugly goat, ba. Amy nods and walks to the room and closes the door. When she has closed the door Rye turns to me. He looks at me with a questioning and surprised look. He doesn't seem to knew what was wrong. We'll be there in a few seconds. He doesn't say anything, not 'sorry', or 'how's Andy', nothing at all. I can't believe it. He's sunk even deeper than I thought. He's changed so much since he broke up with Andy when he was with him, he was so much better. He was friendly and they were so cute together. They did everything together and Andy even taught Rye to play the guitar. "Well?" I say. "Well what?" he asks a little nonchalantly. "What? Not a sorry or how's Andy?" I say pissed. "Why should I say sorry? And is Andy okay?" he says. I don't hear any worries in his voice and it sounds more like he wants to leave soon than he wants to know about Andy. "Maybe" I'll answer him dry. "What do you mean?" He asks, and he looks at me with a questioning look. "Well, Andy had an asthma attack and was almost dead because the person who was going to stay with him suddenly had to leave" I say angry. I have to suppress my anger and hold back to punch him. My hands are forming into fists. I push my nails into my palms of my hands to avoid hitting him. Now Rye had completely changed his facial expression. His joy was completely gone and replaced by a look of fear, restlessness and regret. But I'm not going to feel sorry for him. He chose this. "And...and how is he now? Is...is he okay?" he says worried and stuttering. All I could see in his eyes was fear. "Well, I was just in time, but if I'd only been a few minutes later, it wouldn't have turned out so well." I almost shouted. "That... I didn't mean to... I... I" he stutters. "How could you leave him alone?" I come between him. "Amy needed me" he said. What? Did he drop Andy for Amy? How could he do that? He knows Andy a lot longer than that Amy, but he chose Amy. I can't believe he did that. I don't recognize him any more. He cared so much about Andy, but apparently not any more. "What?" I say. "I thought he could handle himself" says Rye facing down. "What? Andy was almost kidnapped, has a concussion and just got out of the hospital, what were you thinking?" I'm asking. "I... I don't know" he says quietly, but just loud enough for me to hear. "You better tell Andy about you and Amy," I say. Rye looks scared. "Yeah, Rye, he shouldn't find out like that again" I say. He nods with a sad face. "Where is he now?" he asks. "You can't now, he's just had a panic attack and is asleep" I say. "Go to your Amy" I say mockingly. She's a real bitch. I hate her. I'd like to kick her out. Ever since she walked in the door, she's been causing trouble. I turn around and walk towards the room. Before I go in, I look back one last time. Rye is standing in the middle of the hallway looking at his shoes and I think he is even crying. Maybe I've been a bit too hard. I enter the room and there are Brook and Mickey. They look at me impatiently. They obviously want to know what happened, but before I said anything I saw that Andy had woken up. I think I woke him up by shouting at Rye. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and stands up straight. "What's the matter?" he says in a morning voice. He clearly came out of a deep sleep, as he could barely keep his eyes open. "Nothing" I say. "Was that Rye?" he asks. "No, go back to sleep, you need your rest" I say. He nods and lays back down. Brook and I put us back behind the computer and Mickey takes back his book.

"What did he say?" Brook whispered a few minutes later. "He..." I was interrupted by Andy making a noise. I absolutely didn't want him to find out about Rye and Amy in such a horrible way, so I checked if he was still asleep. Mickey had joined us in the meantime. Andy was still asleep, fortunately. "What did he say?" Brook whispered impatiently. "He didn't know what he'd done wrong at first, he just stared at me, I can't believe it" I whispered. "Then why did he have to leave?" Mickey ask. "Amy needed him." I whispered irritated. "What?" Brook says loud. "Shhhh" Mickey and I do, and we both put our fingers on our mouths. Brook understood that we don't want to wake up Andy and looked behind him quickly. He was still asleep. "You've got to be kidding me." Say Mickey. "No, that was his reason. He thought Andy could take care of himself." I say. "No," say Brook unbelievable. "I asked him to tell Andy about him and Amy," I say. "Yeah, maybe that's for the best." Say Mickey. "And where is he now?" Brook asks. "In his room with Amy, so we have to be careful with Andy" I answer. "Yeah, because Amy always ruins everything" says Brook louder. "Amy?" We hear a voice behind us. It was Andy, he woke up. How much did hear? Did he hear about Amy and Rye? No, he can't find out like that. This is my fault? Shit, shit, shit I hate myself. Nobody knows what to say, and we just stare at him.

Next chapter: 17| back with the knife

What is going on in Rye's mind and how does he think about everything? Does he still care about Andy or does he think he is a child that need much attention? And what happened between him and Amy?


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