12| don't close your eyes

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Jack's POV

I'll walk to the flat as fast as I can. Mickey and Brook stayed in the store to check out. I don't understand, Rye went to stay with Andy, and then he says he has to leave urgently and leaves Andy alone. People stare at me because I am running to the streets, but if they knew what was going on they would understand. I see the houses passing by. It's a fifteen-minute walk from the shop to the flat. Finally, I arrive at the flat. I am out of breath and start looking for the keys. Shit... where are they? I start looking in all my pockets and finally, I find them. I quickly open the door and walk upstairs and open the door. I quickly walk to the room where Andy is sleeping, but I am terrified when I see Andy lying on the floor. His breathing is irregular and you can see that he has trouble breathing. Shit... he's having an asthma attack! I start looking for his inhaler, but I can't find him. I look around the room and my eye falls on Andy's coat. He always has an inhaler in his coat. I walk over there and start looking in all the pockets. "Got it!" I say and I walk to Andy. "No Andy, don't close your eyes," I say and I lift him and hold him in my arms. His eyes start to close and I hold the inhaler in front of his mouth and push a few times. His breathing is starting to return to normal, but he's very weak. I hold him in my arms and his head rests against my chest. "t...t...thank you" he says with a weak and barely audible voice. "It's nothing, are you okay?" I ask. He nods slightly and puts his head back against my chest. I lift him bride-style and put him in his bed. When I put him down he's already asleep. I take my mobile phone and call Brook. "Is he all right?" Brook asks in a panic. "He is now, but I was just in time" I say. "What? What happened?" Brook sounds panicked and I hear he's crying. "He had an asthma attack," I say. Brook can't say anything any more and hear he is crying. "What happened?" Now Mickey's voice sounds through the phone, I hear Brook crying in the background. "He had an asthma attack, Mickey" I say in a sad voice. "Oo no. We're almost home." He's clearly frightened. "All right, see you soon" I say and I push the phone off. I put him away and look at Andy, that's when I see there's blood on the bandage on his head. Shit, he must have fallen into something. I take the care kit and carefully remove the bandage around his head. Luckily. Just a little blood, that's all. I'll clean the wound and put a new bandage on it.

When I've taken care of the wound and put a new bandage around it, I put myself in the couch. How could Rye leave him alone? I don't understand. What could have been so important? I decide to call Rye. I grab my cell phone and push Rye's contact. The phone rings, but no one's answering. Voice mail, damn it, Rye's answering! I try again and again, but he won't answer. Out of anger, I throw my phone on Mickey's bed. That's when Brook and Mickey come in with the groceries. They look frightened and amazed at my action, but don't ask any more questions about it. They walk to the kitchen and put down the groceries. "How's he doing now?" Mickey asks while Brook walks up to Andy and rubs his hair. Brook is so cute, and he cares so much about Andy. Would he care so much about me? I'm taken out of my mind by Mickey's voice "hey!" Brook looks at me and laughs. "I don't know, he was so weak, he fell asleep," I answer him. Brook stands op, he was angry "I'm going to call Rye. How dare he? He promised me he was going to be there for Andy and protect him. I..." he stops talking when I grab him by the waist and stop him. He looks at me, and he blushes a little and gives me a little smile. "You have no chance. He's not answering" I say. I can feel him relaxing under my touch. I pull him down on the couch, and he looks down and bites his lip when he falls on me. After a few seconds, he gets off me and puts himself next to me on the couch.

We are already 2 hours later and Rye is nowhere to be seen. We have tried to call him several more times, but he doesn't answer. Brook and I are watching TV while Mickey is cooking and Andy is still sleeping. Suddenly we hear movement next to us. It's Andy, he's awake. He straightens up and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "How are you feeling?" asks Brook worried. "I have a headache, but I think I can handle the rest," he says. "Do you need a painkiller?" Mickey asks. Andy nods and Mickey comes off with a painkiller and a glass of water. "Here" he says, and he gives him the glass and the pill. Andy takes the pill quickly and pulls a dirty face. Probably because he hates taking pills. "Ba, that tastes awful" he says with still a dirty look. We laugh. "Come eat, it's ready" says Mickey. The room is filled with a delicious smell. We all walk to the kitchen and grab a portion. Mickey takes a portion for Andy. It doesn't look like Andy is very hungry, and he still looks tired and weak.

We're watching TV, meanwhile, everyone's ready, except Andy. He's just staring at his plate and hasn't eaten anything yet. Wouldn't he like it? "Don't you like it, Andy? I can make something else" says Mickey. "No, no, it's just I... I" Andy suddenly runs out of the room. We run after him, but when we get to the bathroom, the door's locked. "Andy, are you OK?" Brook yells just loud enough so Andy can hear him on the other side of the door. "Yeah, yeah, I just have to go to the bathroom" we hear a weak voice saying. We look at each other, but we know there's no point in standing here, so we walk back to the room.

After a few minutes, Andy comes back. He looks pale. "Are you okay?" I'm asking worried. "Yeah, yeah, just a little dizzy." Andy answers. "I think you'd better get some rest, Andy. I call Blair. He better comes tomorrow." Says Mickey. "No, Mickey." Andy gets cut off by Mickey. "You don't look well Andy, go to sleep" Mickey says, and he walks into the hallway to call Blair. Andy looks at his feet and Brook walks towards him. "Go to sleep," he says in a worried voice. Andy nods and crawls into his bed. It looks like Mickey and Blair are arguing and that feeling only gets stronger when Mickey comes in after a while with an angry face. "What's wrong Mickey?" Brook asks. "Blair was angry" Mickey answers irritated. "Why?" I ask. "He thinks Andy's exaggerating and doesn't get why he can't come by today" he says angrily. "But he knows what happened, doesn't he?" Brook asks. "No, that's just it. Every time I want to explain it to him, he won't let me finish." He says. "We'll talk to him tomorrow when he gets here" I say. He nods and grabs his book and starts reading. Brook and I watch TV again. Andy hasn't heard anything about the conversation, because he was already asleep, I think.

A/N: Sorry that it take me that long. I hope you don't blame me and try to put on a new chapter tomorrow🤍

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