35| "Andy, no!"

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This chapter contains scenes of hate, do not read this if you are too young or if you're sensitive for hate. Never let it be said that you are not good enough, or that you are too ugly. Every person is beautiful as they are and should not be ashamed of themselves. People give hate because they are insecure about themselves and by expressing hate they feel better, only because they don't need to look at their own imperfections.
Keep strong everyone, and remember, there is always someone who loves you and respects you the way you are. Love you all🤍

Rye's POV

I open my eyes while shaking my head. No, no I don't want to think about it any more, It was horrible, and the most horrible thing wasn't even that they beat me up, no it was that I wasn't allowed to be near Andy any more, otherwise he... he would get hurt, and I don't want that. Each time I came too close to Andy, I got A message or a call from that man.

"Rye, do you understand me," the man says, I didn't even know I was still calling with him. I don't want Andy to get hurt, but I also don't want to let him down again, I love him. I look at my screen, while the man is shouting through the phone. What do I need to do, if I make him angry, he will definitely hurt Andy. I do the only thing that seems the most logical and end the call without even saying anything.

I am not going to follow is stupid rules any more, I want Andy and nobody is going to threaten me to stay away from him again, not even that scary men. And I will protect Andy, I will keep him safe, and out of the hands of that bastard.

I throw my phone on the bed and walk to the door. "Andy here I am coming," I say to myself and a smile appeared on my face. I am scared and happy at the same time. Scared for what will happen if I am with Andy, and happy for finally be able to be with him. But I can't stay away from him any longer, I love him too much and because of that kiss, I can't ignore it any more.

I walk to the door and when I open it, Mickey and Jack are talking in the hallway. It seems to be talking about something important because they are bout very serious. I walk to them and when I am almost there, I can already hear what they are saying. "Maybe we better let him go home," Jack says. are they talking about Andy or what. "yeah, maybe that's a good idea, we can't go further like this, and maybe he is better there" Mickey answers Jack.

"Who are you talking about," I say as I finally reach them. "About Andy, that it's maybe better for him to let him go home" Jack explained to me. "No," I say, maybe a little rude. "why not," Mickey asks. "yeah, his mom can take care off him and maybe he will get his memories back there," Jack says. "No!" I scream even louder and Mickey and Jack look at me with questioning looks. I don't want Andy to leave, I want him to be with me, H can't leave. "Rye, what..." Mickey wants to ask something, but get interrupts by Brook who walks out his room. "What is going on?" he asks. "I don't know, he began shouting when I said that it maybe was better for Andy to let him go home," Jack says to Brook. "What why," Brook asks. "Brook, we can't keep going like this..." Mickey begins. "He needs to be in a familiar environment" I interrupt him. "yeah, that's true," Brook says, and I am glad he is on my side. "Yeah, he has I point," Mickey says to Jack and Jack nodded. "But Rye why were you so angry when we said that it maybe was better that he left, you could just say that he needs to be in a familiar environment," Mickey asks me, and I don't know what to answer. "I... I... W ...was..." I begin to stutter. "Ow are you going to ask him to be your boyfriend," Brook says happily while jumping up and down while the other look at me with questioning looks, and I look at Brook. "Ow yeah, I saw you two kiss, so..." he says smiling. "Rye, you kissed Andy?" Mickey asks and I look away. "ow my God that's amazing," he says smiling "And are you really going to ask him?" he asks. "That was the planning," I say still holding my head low.

"Yeah, why are you still standing here, come on go," Jack says and move with his hand to say that I need to hurry. "But what if he doesn't want me any more?" I ask still looking down. "I will for sure say yes," Brook says. "I don't know, I broke up with him, maybe he doesn't want me any more," I say now looking up with watery eyes. "oh come on Rye, Andy still loves you and he will say yes, believe us," Jack says. Mickey comes standing in front of me and grips my shoulders "Look Rye, you are never going to know if he wants you back if you stay standing here, so walk in and ask him, OK?" Mickey asks. "OK," I say. "Good, we will stay at Brook's and Jack's room" says Mickey, and they go inside the room.

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