2) Distance

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1.7k words

People watching

You could call it a hobby
Interesting situations.
Different expressions
Too many people
Way way too many people
Sometimes people, I know...

I sat at a small cafe table, looking at my phone and a smoothie in the other hand. Relaxing for the weekend at a nice outdoor mall.

"(Y/N)!" I heard my name from behind me. I jerked up and saw a group of people walking towards me. A group of girls and one guy.

"Oh hey, Char!" I realize it was Charlotte. We have a class together in college and I've known her, her friends, and her family ever since. I live here on my own so I visit her and her friends' 

apartment often.

"I didn't know you were here! We could have gone together." Charlotte and her friend were asking me questions and making new plans to hang out. I stand up.

"Oh hey, Harrison. Harper," I greeted the two behind the others. I tried to avoid hanging out with this particular group because of him... They think they are so cute and I always try to push thoughts and other comments aside, but I can't help but be jealous.

It's a bad feeling to keep inside, but he's dating someone and I can't crush on someone who's already dating. I've hung out with him and his friends a few times because I'd rather hang out with guys than girls. So I got to know him better, and he's really nice and caring.

I can't help it.

"So do you wanna come with us, (Y/N)?!" asks the girls.

"Sure. I'll tag along." I need to get into a headspace. I'm hanging out with the girls, not for him.

The day went on a little awkward. I'm walking along with the group as they jump around from store to store, talking about the typical girl topics. Behind us walks H^2, but they also go off and do their own thing. I keep checking behind me to see if he was still there, finding myself disappointed on multiple occasions.

"Alright. I think we are heading home. Do you need a ride, (Y/N)?" asks Charlotte, wide eye.

"If it's not a problem," I replied.


I sat in the back. Next to Harrison.

It's weird and uncomfortable.

It was a long car ride. With the two that I know in the front and two that I want to avoid next to me. I distracted myself by checking my phone, looking for excuses. Texts... emails... anything! I decided to look at the project I was working on as a way to zero my mind on something.

"That's a cool photo. Did you take it?" asks Harrison suddenly, peering over my shoulder.

"Yeah. Yes, I did. " I started to get nervous.

"You go to school with my sister right?"

"Yep. Photography class. You should see her work, Haz. She's practically professional!" chimes Charlotte from the driver's seat.

"I just like taking pictures. Plus, your work is amazing. Prof has some yours on the wall," I responded back to her.

"Do you have any to show?" Harrison asks actually interested. I opened my Instagram page with all my creative works and handed my phone to Harrison. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harper do a massive eye roll. My anxiety greeted my thoughts once again.

"These are amazing! I'm not following you..." Harrison takes out his phone. "There. Fixed."

"Thanks," I smiled and took back my phone.

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