16) Drunk

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I forgot I wrote this. Horribly written sex scene incoming.

"'Sup Stilts."

"Shut up, Noah," I retorted back at my best friend as I tried to find my balance with these heels. "They aren't even that high, right?"

"How tall are you now in these things?" Noah asks, half sarcastically.

I sighed, "Like six foot something."

"Oh boy," Noah chuckles. "Well, are you ready to go or what?"

"I'm coming!"

We drove off to the premier of the new movie we were a part of. Flashes from the cameras of the paparazzi and the screams of fans made me nervous since this was my big break. 

Noah and I walked in together, taking all the photos and getting yelled at.

"Do you need me to lower myself for you?", you teasingly commented.

"Haha (Y/N)."

"I'm just kidding. They can just crop the photo."

We walked into the lobby and conversed with our friends.

"Hey you two," said Harrison as he walked over to greet us. "I was wondering if you guys wanted to join us for a drink with some of my mates and other cast members."

"Sure!", I eagerly answered. Noah and I smiled as Harrison walked away.

"So now you are willing to go to bars? Do you even drink?", Noah asked as we took our seats.

"Nope, never drank before. Only by accident."

"How do you accidentally drink?!"

"Long story..."

The premier started. After everyone took photos and saw some fans on the way out. After dodging paparazzi, Noah and I made it to the bar that was already very crowded. The two of you walked over to the large group in the corner.

"You arrived!", they cheered. Noah took a seat and crossed, Harrison let me sit inside the booth. I was a little nervous to be drinking for the first time with a large number of people.

"Drinks on me!" shouted Noah and I timidly joined in the festivities.

After a couple rounds with laughter and shouting, most of us decided to take to the dance floor. I shyly got up and swayed with everyone else. Noah nudged me from behind.

"Hey, should I go for her over there? Like to dance."

"I know dude. I mean I don't see why not."

"You should go for Harrison!", he elbows me.

"What? No way he's interested. I'm probably the same height as him without these awful heels on." I felt my face begin to heat up.

"Oh it'll be fine. Anyway, I'm going. Also congrats on not seemingly like you're drunk." Noah speeds off to go flirt with a girl.

I continue to just follow the lead of others and I kept sipping on my beer.

"Hey (Y/N)." Harrison appeared next to me. "Why are you so far away from everyone?"

I laughed nervously and almost tipped over.

"Woah there," Harrison said as he caught me. "You are really wasted."

Never been tipsy before, I laid my head on his shoulder. He held my waist and asked if I was alright, but I was getting really tired.

He sat me down and leaned me on his side.

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