23) Routine

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321 words



You jumped out of bed and ran to the door. You were still very sleepy but you still managed to make your way to the door. You swung it open frantically.

"Hey," Tom greeted. Harrison grumbles as a girl and Tom holds him on either side.

"Oh," you were met with disappointment. "You're home."

Tom chuckles nervously.

"Who're you?" you asked bluntly. You were very upset that you got up in the early hours just to see that your boyfriend came home drunk. Again.

"I-I'm just here to help Tom," she stammered, clearly nervous from seeing you angry.

"(Y/N), it's fine. Where do you want him?" Tom took a step into your house.

"No, no. It's fine. I got him." You slung Harrison's arm over your shoulder and dragged him into the house. Tom followed quietly behind, in case you needed assistance. You got to your bedroom door. "I'm fine, Tom. Close the front on your way out."

"See you later," Tom said as you slammed the door. He got out of the house.

"Doesn't Harrison do this like multiple times a week?" she asked.

"Yep," Tom answered. "I can't help, but feel bad for (Y/N). She seems very fed up."

"But why stay together?" They both got in the car.

"Well, they do love each other, I can tell you that much. (Y/N) has a good heart and Harrison means well." The two drove off, leaving you with a drunk guy.


"(Y/N)?" Harrison finally wakes up.

"Hey," you said softly. "You've been away for a while."

"I'm home now." Harrison kisses you sweetly, although all you taste is alcohol and bitterness.

"You should shower," you giggled.

"I smell?"

"Always," you teased. He laughed along with you and pulled you to lay on his chest. Harrison studded starts snoring and you smile as you drifted back to sleep as well.

Harrison Osterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now