6) Tinder

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"God, this is so tedious..."

"It's just swiping, weirdo", my friend, Jackie, stabs at me while scrolling through Instagram on her phone. "That's Tinder!"

"Yeah, but it gets so boringggg...", I whine and continue to swipe left.

"True... OOOO omg..." She shoves her phone in my face so close I can't see what the heck she was trying to show me. She then suddenly takes back the phone. "Omg, they're so cute."


"Oh, they're so cute. Definitely my type!" She beams and her eyes are glued to the phone.

"Jackie, you say that about almost every guy," I said as my voice trails off. I just got a match! Of course, I don't want to tell Jackie because she might get all up in my face about the possibility of a date.

I glance over at Jackie and noticed that she was looking at an IMDb page. "Looking for a movie?"

"Nah, an actor. I just showed him to you!" She gets up from her chair and rolls on the bed over to where I'm laying. "Here..."

She shows me her phone once again. I did not recognize these people. "Who are they?"

"You don't know who these people are?! I just told you, silly! (Y/N), you really need to catch up. But, you know more about DC than Marvel anyway. That's Tom Holland; he's the new Spiderman."

"Oh cool..." I replied blandly. I spot a blonde in the background. "Who's that guy?"

"Oh, that's Harrison Osterfield. He's Tom's best friend and also an actor. He's kinda famous, but he's starting to come out of being a background character. He's pretty cute too." She squeals at my inquiry. I quickly check back the match that I have already accepted.

Harrison Osterfield Age 22

Oh, Shit...?


After messaging back and forth for two days, he asked for a meetup. I accepted because the conversations we had thus far was not too bad. We agreed to a cafe that is relatively in between our locations. Although, he wasn't a house...

He's not a bad person. Like, he's the type that you could try out and go with the flow. Harrison sounds like a chill guy through the messages.

The day arrives for our meet up. I did my best to spiffy up, wearing figure complimenting clothes. I kind of did my hair and I kind of did my makeup because who really has time for that? and I grab my bag. I walk to the destination which was a relatively small cafe where not many people were inside. I step into the smell of fresh coffee and hot pastries. Then I see a person wave me down. It was him.

The blonde gets up and gestures toward the seat in front of him.

"Hey. Thanks for waiting. I hope it was long," I said nervously.

"No, not at all. Thanks for showing up!", he smiles back.

"No problem!", I chuckled. "I should go to order something. I'll be back."

"I actually ordered for the both of us. I hope you don't mind some hot chocolate!" Harrison swiftly gets out of his chair to go get the drinks.

"Here you are!" Harrison places the beverage in front of me.

"Thank you. I could go for hot chocolate any day..."

"Same! So what do you like to do in your free time."

"Well," I sip my drink. "I enjoy drawing a lot and volunteering."

"You draw? Got anything I can see?"

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