3) Accidental

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865 words

"Come on. Open!" I muttered to myself. I furiously knocked on this random door. "Shit. He's getting closer... Come on. Open already!"

As I said, the door swings open to reveal an annoyed guy.

"Hey, man! Long time no see!" I said loudly and hugged him. I saw his confused face.

"Umm, excuse me? I think you got the wrong person," the blonde said.

"So how's it going?" I shut the door behind me, checking if that man was still following me. I sighed loudly and sat on the floor. The house was spacious and nicely furnished with furniture that looked like it had a high price tag.

"Excuse me, miss, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Two males approached me.

"I am so sorry. I was being followed and my first thought was to get inside. I apologize for touching you but thank you for letting me in. Is it alright if I came here for a little bit?"

"Sure... Is that ok with you too, Tom?"

"Yeah, I guess." The one named Tom walked back to the couch to resume his lounging. I stood up.

"My name is (Y/N)," I introduce as I extended my hand.

"Harrison." He returns the shake with a strong grip.

"I'm going to call the police. Where's your bathroom?" Harrison pointed off in a direction I scurried off. The bathroom also looked really nice. I proceed to call the police and give a report on the man. I then walked back, but I overheard the two boys talking.

"That was weird," commented Harrison.

"She hugged you. That was pretty funny, bro," teased Tom.

"Shut up," Harrison blushed and tried to brush it off.

"She's pretty."

"You are blabbering a lot today... but you're not wrong."

"Do you think we are considered witnesses?" asked Tom. I took this as my chance to walk.

"Maybe. The police are coming to investigate," I calmly answered. "But be aware for the time being. Again, I apologize for everything."

"Oh, it's alright." Harrison leaped out of his seat to comfort me. "Yo Tom, should we order something?"

"Can we get pizza?!" beamed Tom. I stand in the middle of the room awkwardly as I witness this conversation.

"You wanna stay?" asks Harrison as he began ordering delivery.

"If you don't mind? I don't know when the police will be arriving."

"Don't sweat it. Have a seat on the couch. Make yourself at home," invited Harrison with a smile. I followed his instructions and conversed with the two.

"So what do you do?" inquires Tom. "We're actors."

"Yeah, I know. I didn't want to make a big deal, but I'm a fan of your guys' work. Just didn't want to make it weird that a fan stumbled upon where you live," I apologized again. "I'm in school. Architectural Engineer."

"Nice choice. Oh, and don't tell people where we live," joked Tom. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"I got it." I got up to answer the door, hoping it was the pizza, but it was the police. "Hello, officer."

"Hi there, miss. We are looking for Miss (Y/N)."

"That's me. Do I need to come with you?"

"It's fine. I just need to ask you a couple of questions and your pizza arrived."

"Oh thank you." I paid for the guys as a thank you without them knowing. "Well, we can get started."

After about thirty minutes of question after question, a file has been reported.

"It's best if you watch out miss. Are these your friends? Do you think you can stay with them for the time being?" The officer pointed at Harrison and Tom and from the couch, eating pizza, they both gave a thumbs up. I smiled at the gesture.

"Well have a good night and be safe, Miss. We will let you know if anything comes up."

"Thank you so much," I said as I shut the door behind me. "And thank you to you guys. Is there anything I can do as repayment?"

"Nah it's fine," chimed Tom without looking away from the game they were watching.

"Yeah, it's fine. You can stay in my room," offered Harrison.

"No no. I can stay on the couch. I don't take up a lot of room," I replied, dealing my face heat up from embarrassment.

"If you sleep here, I'm carrying you to an actual bed." Harrison jokes back with intimidation. We finished eating and watched movies for the evening. The boys went to their respective bathroom and I used the hallway. I spent a long time thinking about me staying here. It's surreal since I am a fan, conversing, eating, and just staying in their house!

The house was dark in the main area. I found a blanket and crashed on the couch from complete exhaustion.

The sun shines through the curtains, making me wake up. Although still drowsy, I felt heavy and really warm. Hearing light breathing behind me, I turned my head, realizing that I'm in Harrison's bedroom! I started to panic from startling myself. Recollecting myself, I sank into the safety of Harrison's peaceful embrace and returned to sleep.

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