31) Escape (Maf! AU 3.2)

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"She's awake!" A male voice called out and echoed.

You looked up slowly to see nothing. It was extremely dim.

You tried to stand but to no avail. There were cuffs on your wrist that were attached to a cold wall. Speaking of which, the room itself felt cold and still. It was extremely quiet.

Suddenly lanterns were being lit. Finally, you can see your surroundings, but there were only masked men in suits that stood before you. With the chains, you felt helpless, but you still had to escape from whatever torture room this was.

"This is her?" A voice asked. "She's too pretty to be in this line of work."

The voice's hand lifted your chin up, but you still couldn't get anything. You jerked your head away.

"Disobedient!" A crack of a whip was heard before you felt the pain. You said nothing.

"This is Harrison's little kitten, right? She's going to be a hard one to crack. Prepare for anything, men."

"What do you want?" You finally mustered all the energy to say something.

"She speaks!"

"Answer the fucking question."

"Filthy dog is more like it." Crack! Pain. "I'm the one that will be asking the questions while you are here."

"Where does the boy live?" Silence. Crack!

"Ow!" You whispered.

"Ha! Listen here, girl. You are going to answer our questions or your life ends right here," the man threatened. You spat in his face.

"I'll give you guys an hour. I'll be back and she better be talking." The sound of his shoes faded out of the room. You tensed up and waited to see what would happen. The men laughed as they stepped towards you.


"Where's (Y/N)?!" Harrison yelled at the men that were with you yesterday.

"W-We don't know, sir."

"She was with us yesterday, but... Wait did she leave with us?" The men whispered an amount of another to remember what had happened.

"Unbelievable." Harrison ground his teeth and flopped back into his chair. "Search for her! If you don't come up with anything in the next 48 hours, I'm going to kill you."

Clearly angry, the men scuffled out of the room as quickly as possible.

The search began. It was a mistake drinking then heading to a bar. Harrison sighed as he opened the envelope that you gave him.

"What's that for?" Mira enters the office quietly.

"Just work. Nothing you need to worry about."

Mira slowly kissed him.


"Stop... please." You coughed up blood violently. There were too many of them for you to try anything.

"Start speaking then!" The chains that confided you were cut down. You landed on your face.

"Never..." you coughed.

"Anything?" The first man returned with the familiar sound of his shoes hitting the ground.

"Sorry, Boss."

"Ow!" He picked you up by the hair.

"I wouldn't have to do this if my damn daughter got home already."

"Daughter?" You gasped.

"Oh yes. That sly Mira is always going off schedule and ruining things." The man drops you back on the ground.

"What do you want from him?!" you yelled.

"I believed it was you, the messenger. Don't you know that boss of yours co-owns and entire empire, basically ruling all of this country?! And you are smart enough to know why we are doing this."

You growled at the very thought of anything happening to both Harrison and Tom. You've known them for so long and you couldn't betray that.

"I'll set you free," he began. You perked up. "If you tell me what was in that envelope you delivered."

You looked at him confused.

"You think I would look at that? That's not my job," you replied. Another man kicked you over onto your side. You were too beaten up to retaliate, but you had to escape somehow.

As you lay there, you realized you were laying in a puddle of your own blood. The man walked back to you. He crouched in your view.

"Are you going to talk back again?"

You spat in his face again. This time with your blood.

"Arg!" The man stumbled back in disgust. As others went to help him, other pawns of his ran to hold you down.

You jumped to your feet and dodged the flying arms. You ran out of the room and exited the hidden building.

"Let her go. She doesn't know where she is."


"What do you want for dinner?" Harrison asked Mira as they walked hand in hand. Monty runs around in front.

"Anything really," she plainly stated. "Can you head home? It's getting cold."

Harrison dropped his suit jacket over her shoulders. They head back.

"Thank you!" Mira said cheerfully when Harrison opened the door to the mansion. He slipped his hand around her waist and the two continued to walk towards the kitchen.


Harrison quickly turned around, thinking it was some break-in or ambush.

"(Y/N)!" You collapsed on the floor after running for so long in the condition you were in. Harrison dropped to his knees to help you. "W-What happened to you?! Where did you go?!"

You didn't answer but lifted a letter up to his face.

"From..." you began. "Tom... intercepted."

"Don't speak." Harrison helps your blood-soaked body. You dropped the envelope on the floor. With no energy, you lie still in his arms.

Mira, could you please-" Harrison looked in shock to see she had disappeared. Harrison frantically looked around for her or anyone close enough to help your dying body.

He spotted Mira standing outside reading something. Harrison looked to his side to see the letter was gone. Mira began running down the road.

Harrison was crushed. He had proposed to her just the other day.

"She was sent here," you finally spoke and broke Harrison's fixation on the front entrance. "To spy. I'm sorry."

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about." Harrison smiled at you, which already made you feel better. "I'm so glad you're back."

"I'm still sorry about the blood." The two of you laugh. Harrison pulled you into a tight embrace like you haven't seen each other in decades.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

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