28) Gun (Gang! AU)

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"Yes, Boss? You said it was urgent," you greeted as you closed the door to the office that was barely holding up. It was a space that was claimed by the boss so he could sit and feel powerful. He's quite childish...

"Yes. Thank you for coming (Y/N)." The boss stood up from his chair to greet you in return. "There's someone I want you to meet."

He gestures to a trembling boy, wrapping in a blanket. He had a blank expression as he held his knees on the floor.

"His name is Harrison."

"Did you name him?" you asked with suspicion.

"Nope. I want you to work with him, rough him up a bit." You raised an eyebrow.

"'Rough him up... a bit?'" you repeated back to him slowly. You cross your arms and ask bitterly, "I get to train him? Do you really think he can like that?"

"He can still hear you, (Y/N). I know what you mean. I had the same thought, but-"

"I promise to work hard! Please?!" The frail boy stood suddenly, the blanket fell off his shoulders.

"Sounds cliche." You confidently stride over to him and scan him up and down. He was a little afraid. "Harrison, right?"

He frantically nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"It's sir to you." You extended your hand for a handshake.


A couple of years fly past with a similar routine every day. At first, with the thin body of his, your rigorous training was one of the things he couldn't withstand. One thing that he was good at was scarfing down the food he was given.

Mornings until the afternoon had Harrison training exclusively with you then the rest of the day he was free to hang out with the other members of the gang.

He became a healthy man quite quickly with the amount of persistence he had. Now even in the early morning, the girls would come to watch.


"Alright, that's enough for today," you said as you dusted yourself and straightened your clothes. Harrison was bent over panting from the spar the two of you just had. "Go get some lunch."

As you walk away, you can hear the high-pitched chatter of the girls who came into the training area to mob Harrison. You, on the other hand, rolled your eyes right into the back of your head.

"Wait, (Y/N)!" Harrison's voice called for you. You turned around to watch him struggle to break free from the swarm.

"One more spar. Loser buys lunch," Harrison proposed with confidence.

"Fine, but you'll be the one paying." You were confident that we were going down. Despite him being your pupil for years now, he still hasn't managed to beat you.

You threw off the jacket you had on and had a quick stretch before squaring up. Harrison mockingly mimicked you. The girls behind him squealed as his bareback glistened as he lowered his stance.

The two of you smiled then nodded in agreement. The match began. The two of you begin circling immediately trying to read each other, while Harrison throws in taunts to piss you off.

You threw the first jab at his head, but he dodged and countered. The spar was serious, but the two of you know it was all in good fun and lunch...

The spar was lasting longer than it usually would. Harrison began to breathe heavily and you stood your ground.

"Already tired?" you teased.

"Of course not." He sprinted towards you and began to just throw punches, not mattering if any actually got close. You were light on your feet and took a step back to avoid any hit to the face. Paying attention to the fists flying at your face, you didn't notice that he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the pistol he had.

He pointed at your face. You flinched in surprise and fell onto your back. Harrison stepped over you, one leg on each side and the gun pointed at the ground instead of your head.

You were trying to catch your breath. "Nice job there."

"Just like you taught me." The girls that were watching wailed in awe.

"Are you sure?" you asked as you swung a kick at his leg to knock him over.

You blinked once and the next moment you realize that there was a smoking bullet hole in the ground closer to your head.

You sat up immediately. Harrison's eyes widened when he realized what he had done.

"Harrison?!" You angrily kicked him off of you and jumped to your feet.

"(Y-Y/N)!" You ran off, grabbing your jacket off the ground. You threw it over your shoulders and didn't look back.


After that, you avoided him for weeks. You were also a little shaken for a while, but you got over it. This was your job, or life, after all.

Every day was normal, good even. You didn't need to get up early, but you occasionally did to work out by yourself with a punching bag one of the guys stole from a gym... somehow.

"Morning, Boss," you quietly greeted a half-asleep man. He still gets work done, I promise.

"M-morning..." He flung back in his chair. The boss yawned. "I have nothing for you right now so you can go have fun or something. I'm going to sleep..."

You quietly shut the door to muffle the sound of snoring. You spun around to leave, but two tall men in black suits and shades tower over you.

"Who are you?" you put up your guards.

"Are looking for Ms. (Y/F/N) ((Y/L/N)," one of the men replied robotically.

"What do you want?" The two men looked at each other.

"Come with us."

Not one word was said from that conversation in front of the door to the car they had parked down the street from the base. One of the men walked directly to the driver's side while the other opened the door to signal you in.

When the car was about to drive off, you finally asked, "Where are you taking me?"

Neither answered right away.

"Someone requested for you."


Once again, both don't answer but instead look straight out the windshield.


The car ride was long. You didn't have anything on you except the clothes on your back. You watched as the buildings became shorter and shorter until the horizon was filled with trees and grass.

This side of the city was something you didn't see all that often. Your duties were mostly nearby anyway, there was no need.

Anyway, you got super bored and took a nap.

You were then awoken by knocking on the window, signifying the end of the long-ass car ride. You were then taken into a massive house and sat on the couch.

You scanned the room from corner to corner. The room was decorated enough to cancel the echo. There was a bust in the corner while a nice palm plant sat next to the fireplace across the room. The couches you sat on we're off white and were kept so clean, it looked new. You only took up a small sectional of the entire thing. The windows as well were massive to allow natural sunlight into the room.

It was quiet until the door to this room slowly opened. A man pops his head in.

"(Y/N)! You're here."

"Harrison?" You were confused and a little upset that you were taken here just to bump into him. "What are you doing here."

"Turns out I live here." He smiled innocently at you. You crossed your arms and slouched in the chair. "I have something for you."

Harrison Osterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now