26) Family (Maf! AU 2.3)

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"Good afternoon gentlemen." Harrison's voice captured the attention of every man in the room. The room was silent except the tapping sounds of Harrison's shoes and the potter-patter of your bare feet hitting the concrete flooring. You sped up a little to keep up with Harrison who was just about to sit down in the large desk chair, but you were occupied with questions in your head about the strangers.

"Why is she here?" a man asked with a booming voice.

"Why not? I can invite whoever I want. Besides..." Harrison leans back in the chair. "Her family is involved."

Your puzzled facial expression gave away how much you could contribute to the conversation to the men. Harrison didn't look worried.

"Why did you even keep her? I thought you were all about that 'single life'," another scoffed.

"Watch it, Jeff." Harrison's change in tone even frightened you. You felt awkward. It wasn't really your business to butt into the conversation and he was right! You didn't know much. All thanks to your family.

While guilt and anxiety-filled your mind, you failed to notice Harrison's hand had slithered its way up to your leg, around your waist. You flinched in response.

"She seems scared of you!" A man laughed and the others soon joined in. "Are you sure this girl was promised to be your wife? A boss like you? With her? Boy, you can get any girl if you just tried!"

You froze in fear. You tried to step away, but Harrison held his firm grip. You looked at him to ask for him to release, but he had a stern look on his face. You felt something inside then. You couldn't put a finger on it at the moment.

Harrison dragged you over to him. You fell, really fell this time, onto his lap. You were like a little ball that just stumbled its way here. Harrison held you tight.

"How dare you!" Harrison barked loudly. "How dare you insult my wife!"

You were very confused, but the men stood there. Harrison brushed any hair on your face before fully cupping it with his warm hands. He brings you towards his face. Your lips made contact for the first time. The men in the room were howling, but neither of you paid mind to them. It was a heated yet passionate moment, for you especially. It was my first.

Harrison swiveled in the chair, but before completely turning away, he glared and commanded, "Get out."

The two of you waited for the sound of footsteps to disappear. You both looked at each other and laughed a little. You relaxed in his arms for a little longer.

"That was a quick meeting by the way," you teased.

"Wasn't supposed to be." Harrison chuckled once more. Moments of silence passed again.

"Did you mean all that?" you asked very timidly.

"Of course! What did you think?" He playfully shook you in his arms. "I want you to be my wife since we signed the contract."

"Since I was a child? You're a pedo." You lightly slapped his chest.

"I'm kidding!" He shouts back. "I thought you were pretty when I saw you in photos online."

"That doesn't help your case, Romeo."

"What? I had a phone too!"

"So you're a stalker and a pedophile..." you commented sarcastically as you try to get up from Harrison's lap. Frankly, your back was starting to hurt, but it was nice. "I see your ways now."

"You! are not going anywhere, Missy!" Harrison pulls you backward. You laughed loudly as Harrison mercilessly tickled you.

Harrison then pulled you into a sweet kiss. You loosened up and kissed back. Harrison proceeds to set you on his lap. The two of you meet face to face in very close proximity.

Harrison Osterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now