17) Athlete

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I am a competitive swimmer. I've been swimming for about 14 years now and this is pretty much the only sport I'm familiar with.

461 words

"I have to go to practice now," I said to Harrison on the phone. "I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, babe!"

We hung up and I went to get ready for practice.

"Ready to get in?", my best friend, Kellie said to me.

"Never. I hate getting in, especially because this morning was cold as fuck."

"Well, one way or another..." Kellie suddenly pushed me into the freezing water and I took off, starting the warm upset.

When I completed just one 50m, I saw that everyone was still trying to stall.

"Why aren't you getting in?" I asked.

"Just waiting for the fastest swimmer to return," Kellie teases.

"Oh come on!"

Our coach was shouting, causing everyone to frantically jump in. We were messing around, despite having a huge meet coming up. Our coach was annoyed for enjoying our enthusiasm as usual and we blindly followed "the master" as usual.

When we were about to finish our workout for the day, I heard some loud talking from the other lanes. Harrison was talking to the coach.

"Well, we are just about to finish so just hang tight for a few." Harrison looked at the team and the girls squealed loudly and it echoed in the facility.

He and I met eyes. Harrison smiled and waved. The screaming continued, but some heads turned to see who he was waving at. I also pretended to be looking so I didn't draw attention to myself.

"Alright, alright. Go do your cool down then get out of here," our coach rolled his eyes and sarcastically said.


In the locker room, there was quite a buzz about Harrison's presence at some college's swim practice.

"Do you even know who he is?!" The girls were yelling at me since I'm not so "hip with the kids", but I was talking about him. I looked confused and left the showers to get changed.

I left quietly and went to meet Harrison.

"Haz!" I tackled him into a hug, despite smelling like chlorine and having a wet bag. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too," he chuckles.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was going to surprise you at home, but I saw you would have been in practice for another 30 minutes."

"I mean in the US, div."

"Right. Well, I missed you so much and I knew you had a meeting soon." He pulled the wet bag off my back.

"It's really wet."

"Like you...", he teased.

"Shut the fuck up!", I nudged. My face was heating up. "Let's go."

Out of the corner of my eye, the women's locker room door opened and out walked the crazed girls who were ridiculing me earlier. I knew they were looking, but I don't have the energy and I was way too hungry to glare back.

"I'm going to cook tonight. I know you're hungry."

Harrison Osterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now