29) Betrayal (Gang! AU 2)

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"I hAve sOmeThinG fOr yOu," you retorted mockingly. Just as you said that Harrison dropped a suitcase on the coffee table in front of you. He opened it without saying anything back to you. The suitcase flapped open, revealing that it was full of cash.

"This is my apology for almost shooting you in the head. And I've noticed that you've been avoiding me, too." Harrison sighed and took a seat on the couch near you.

"Yeah because you almost shot me in the head!" You yelled. Then an old man enters with a tray.

"Tea, sir?" The sound of tea being poured fills the room then the door shuts when the man leaves.

"Tea?" Harrison asked.

"You have servants now?" You take the offering.

"I guess. It's still weird to have people helping me like this."

"What do you mean, rich boy?" You mockingly sip the tea. "Were you going undercover or something when you joined? Double agent?"

"Sorry if it seemed that way. Long story short, I was actually on the street until the Boss picked me up. Then when you were avoiding me, some dudes took me here and I was given this place."

"Wow," you replied sarcastically. "Have you brought those girls home yet.

You laughed at your own sarcasm.

"Uhh no. You're the first person I've invited here actually."

"Oh." You sat back up on the couch and kind of regretted what you said. "Well, I better be going."

"Do you even know where you are?" Harrison asked confidently.

"Right." You continued to stand.

"You didn't even take the money."

"I-I can't take it. I appreciate the apology, but it's ok. I'm over it."

"You know you're pretty cute when you're polite," Harrison smirked. Your face began to heat up from blushing.

"Fuck off."

"(Y/N)?" Harrison stood up and walked closer to you.

"W-what?" You stepped back in defense.

"Stop running away from me." Harrison grabbed your arm. You were tense. "I've known you for three years and it seems like forever since I last saw you."

"You do know that it's because of you, right?"

"Live here... with me," Harrison said suddenly. "Marry me."

You looked at him in confusion.


"I really like you and I can provide for you," Harrison replied quietly.

"I'll... have to think about it. I'm going to take the money if you really want me to. Can you give me a ride back to the Boss's office please?"

It was silence between you both. You hugged the suitcase all the way back to the office. You couldn't sleep because you kept thinking about what he said.

You carried the case up the stairs to the office. You had to walk by those who were always lingering in front or in the yard.

All eyes turn towards you. For once, you were afraid. You felt the judgmental thoughts and heard whispers and laughter as you walked passed. Something was definitely wrong.

You knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

"Sir?" you asked as you opened the door just slightly.

"Leave, (Y/N)." The boss's stern voice shot you right into your gut.

"S-sir, I don't understand. In fact, I have the money I got for you!" You frantically opened the case and accidentally dropped some of the bundles of cash onto the table.

"You are in cahoots with him and his filthy money."

"Sir, I-"

"You're out. I need you to leave. And I hope you're a happy couple." He scowled and looked at your hand.

You looked and saw that Harrison slipped a ring without you knowing.

"W-what?! I didn't even notice!" You slammed the ring onto the table. "Sir, you don't understand-"

"(Y/N)!" The boss slammed his fist onto the table which frightened you. "This is just as hard for me as it is for you. You are one of the best in the gang and probably the business, but with what I'm hearing and what everyone has been saying, it's in the best interest for you to leave. I'm sorry."

He looked upset, almost on the verge of crying.

"Fine. You're a little bitch for saving your reputation." You took back the ring and stomped out the door. You walked down the hall with everyone. You were very tempted to punch one of two of them but to make it out unscathed, you have to leave as quickly as possible.

You ran to the front and down the street to see the car still running and waiting for you. You jumped into the car.

"Returning home, Miss?" the driver asked.

"I guess," you answered quietly.

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