22) Inside

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286 words

"Harrison, I'm bored," you sighed.

"I know," Harrison responded. He pulled you closer to him. The two of you were in bed, taking a midday nap since nothing was happening in the house and everything was a mess outside.

You moved into their household about a year ago, so you were pretty used to the noise level of the four guys. But it's still four dudes confined in a house and you.

"Just try to sleep," Harrison whispered to you in a low voice. You took a deep breath to relax, but you couldn't sleep. He began to stroke your hair to calm you. You could faintly hear his heartbeat as you lay still on his chest.


"Yep?" he responded back with his eyes still closed. You didn't respond, but instead waited for him to look at you. When he finally opened his eyes, you felt like it was falling in love all over again.

You gave him a simple smile. Harrison was curious about what was going on inside your head.

"Nothing," you finally said. You snuggle back into his chest.

"You're cute," Harrison chirped and pulled you up to his face. Eyes locked. Then silence filled the room. Now, lips locked too. His strong hands tenderly held your waist. You pull back to catch your breath, a thin string of saliva continues to connect you two.

Harrison suddenly sat up and pushed you over onto the bed. He begins to pepper kisses down your neck. You gasped in response.

Then Harrison just plopped on top of you. A little surprised, you wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his soft blonde hair. His arms slithered underneath and scooped you.

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