9) Nightmares

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"No stop! Please! Not again."

"You know we can't do that, sweetheart." The man tugged on the chains that were attached to the cuffs on her thin arms. The clinking echoed through the dim, cement room she was confined in for more than a decade if she kept track well.

She felt a large handgrip the hair on the back of her head. Her weak body began to tremble from the fear of what is about to happen. The man stabbed a sharp needle into the side of her neck. He immediately dropped her back onto the ground, her vision now blurry. The voices were muffled, but she can still hear the disappointment.

But the next thing she knew she was awoken by yelling behind the giant steel doors. The lights suddenly flickered on, revealing a run-down, basement-looking room. She scanned her surroundings. The men who she believed were the ones keeping her, ran to unshackle her.

"Put her down! Put your hands where I can see them." Armed people in uniform stormed the basement. The man slowly stepped back until he reached the wall.

"You are cornered! Put her down." More people in uniform filled the room, all pointing a gun. She heard the man scoff quietly and booked it out of a hidden door with me in his arm like a football. She heard the jingling of belts and gear of the people trying to catch up with us.

This was her first time outside. The cool evening breeze made her shiver in the over-sized, tattered T-shirt she was wearing. She saw the twinkling stars and the moonlight lighting the streets along with side the lamp posts. Sirens began to grow louder and louder, almost hurting her head. A gunshot rang through the peaceful city. Then a thud. She was on the ground. Confused, she tried to stand to see what just happened.

She stumbled backward. She was usually bounded or carried to make sure she didn't try to escape. She wasn't used to using my legs. She realized she was standing in something wet. Blood...

The uniform came running at them. She was scared. A male voice talked to her, but her mouth didn't respond. But she flinched instinctively when he placed a hand on her shoulder. She yelped in surprise.

"It's ok. I'm just going to clean you up and take you to a hospital, ok?" His voice was almost comforting. "Hey! Blood test!"


You suddenly woke up, breathing heavily from that traumatic reminder. You rub the side of your neck where pain still lingered.

You checked my phone. 1 am...

You threw on a hoodie and shoes and quietly exited the apartment, making sure not to disturb any neighbors.

You walked along the streets that still had some people. You admire the night sky that you were always fascinated with since that one faithful day.

"Hey, you." A deep voice came from behind you. Now scared, you picked up the pace. Then suddenly a hand grabbed your shoulder and whipped you around.

"Oh, it's a little lady. Hey cutie, what are you doing all alone?" There were two tall men with relatively large builds. The light was illuminated from behind so you couldn't really see their faces. You did not feel scared, but you knew this wasn't going to end very well.

"We can walk you back to your home? Or you can come to ours and get to know each oth-"

"Hey. There you are. Hey fellas. She's with me and we are going to get going." Another male pulls you in the opposite direction, away from your house. The other dudes began to walk off. "Are you alright? Sorry if I scared you." He whispered to justify his actions.

You looked at him, who was smiling. You were suddenly confused about what just went down. "Give me a moment."

After excusing yourself, you ran at full speed to catch up to the guys who were harassing you. With a glint of confidence and rage in your eyes, you threw a painful blow to one guy's head, causing him to fall to the ground. With small regret, you sprinted back towards Harrison, grabbed his hand, and continued to run down the dimly lit street.

"What did you do?" He was half laughing and half concerned.

"You bitch! Come back here!"

"Oh shit." You continued to run with Harrison leading you to somewhere safe as he promised.


The two arrived at a very nice hotel room. Well, lit, spacious, seemed expensive. It had a separate bedroom from a living room and kitchen. You stood awkwardly in the living room, just admiring the room.

"Are you alright?" Harrison was closing the front door.

"Uhh yes. Thank you for helping me." You bowed to him instinctively after being snapped back into reality. "Well, it's nice to see that you're in town, but I really have to go."

"I don't think it isn't safe for you to be outside."

"I really shouldn't stay."

"You can stay in the bedroom." He walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water. "So what are you doing outside, getting harassed, at this hour."

"I could be asking you the same question."

"Right. I was getting food since I was up late, working on a project." He handed you the glass. "You're still taking your 'walks'?"

"Thank you. Yeah, I am."

You finished the water and continued to stand with your anxiety beginning to calm down.

"Here." Harrison handed you a simple shirt and pants. You took off the hoodie you were sweating in. "The bathroom is right there..." He turned away to walk back to the kitchen.

You took off your T-shirt and sweatpants.

"So uhh... Woah there!"


"W-why are you just stripping?" He covered his eyes and walked quickly to pick up the clothes you left on the floor to take to the bathroom.

"Oh right," you said. You followed him to the bathroom. "Sorry I forgot."

"Yeah. Change in there." He quickly pushed you in and closed the door, you stared at the marble tile walls. But before closing it completely, he glimpsed at the scars that scatter on your back. He then shuts the door when he realizes that he was just staring at your naked body.


"Thank you for this." You bowed once more, feeling like a burden.

"No problem. Just don't do that again," He smiled and signaled to sit by him.

"So, how's life, I guess?" you started. There was a large gap between you and Harrison on the couch.

"It's been alright. Traveling has been fun. And you?"

"It's fine."

"Hopefully this doesn't come off wrong, but I saw your back." Harrison's voice tapered off.

"Oh, my back. Sorry that you had to see it." You shifted in your seat again, facing more towards him to shield your back.

"No no, it's fine. I was just going to ask where it was from, but I can tell you don't want to talk about it." Harrison stood and put out his hand. "Well, you should get some sleep."

You took the offer. "Okay."

Harrison led you to the bed and waited by the door until you got in. He looked at you with a comforting smile and turned off the light.

Darkness swallowed the room. You felt your heart beginning to race. There shouldn't be fear, but you felt something. You looked at the clock and drifted off to sleep.

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