32) Snack

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I wrote this while I was hungry. Thank you for enduring my shenanigans.
Vote and share as you go get a snack. Thanks!

237 words

Food gremlins stubble around the kitchen to eat snacks (pizza rolls?) at midnight. Haz comes out all hot looking and stuff. Both of y'all eat pizza rolls

"Ye ye ye ye ye" you chanted in your head as you quietly scurried around the house for a midnight snack. You opened the freezer. "Pizza rolls!"

You maniacally snatched the cold plastic bag out of the freezer then dumped half of the bag onto a baking tray. After sticking the tasty rectangles into the oven, you pulled a chair close to watch them cook.

You sat cross-legged in your pj's and bed head. You really had to sneak out of Harrison's hold and out of bed. All in the name of midnight snacking.

The oven dings and you frantically went to shut it up before it alarmed Harrison. You scooped all the rolls onto a paper plate and sat on the couch to start munching.

"(Y/N)?" Harrison asked as he trudged into the room. You did a double-take to see his half-naked body getting a spotlight from the moon.

"Want some?" you quickly asked.

"You act like a gremlin," Harrison answered and sat down next to you, running his hand through his hair.

"Thank you." You did a small bow in your seat and proceeded to eat with him.

Harrison Osterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now