21) Noticed

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Follow me @thehobbiest.19 on IG
Shameless plug XD
I drew Monty and Tessa if you're interested.
Please vote and share! Thanks!

928 words

Notification: @ hazosterfield started a live video. Watch it before it ends!

I tapped on it immediately. I walked to my fridge to get a drink and a snack then hopped onto the couch to watch the live show. Ever since I got onto Instagram, I've been keeping up with the Hollands and Harrison. Although staying mellow, I have the habit of posting a short comment or participating in chat to test their attention. Of course, it doesn't really work.

I continued to chat and I got up to go get more snacks. I heard my name, well my user name.

I rushed back to the couch.

"So yea, go check out @ (Y/UN). She made some great artwork and other things. Well, we are going to get going. Have a great day!"

Life ends. I was freaking out that Harrison just mentioned me. I decided to message him a little thank you since my notifications blew up with follows, likes and comments.

Hi! I watched your life earlier. Thank you for giving me that shout out. I really appreciate it!

As the minutes went by, I sat contently staring at my screen with no reply. I still sat on the couch for a little longer, scrolling through the search page. I gave a chuckle to a few memes here and there and rewatched clips from the live.

I saw some weird anime memes and immediately sent it to a friend. I waited for a response since she is my only other friend that watches the same ones that I do.


The next morning, I checked back at the chat between us, while eating breakfast. I realized I accidentally sent it to Harrison's account. Since the chat was at the top, I just sent the posts without looking. The post can also be taken wildly out of context, but there was a reply.


No problem. Your artworks looks amazing btw

I love the ones with Monty!

Your dog is adorable :)

Thanks haha

Can I make you something as a thank you?

Sure if you want

Can I ask for more photos of Monty?
Sorry if that sounds creepy

Oh sure
You're fine

I was also wondering if I could give you the drawing of Monty if you would like.

I would love to if you don't mind parting with it

Of course I don't mind
I live in the LA area so...

I think we will be there for press in a week
We could meet up

Sounds great! Let me know a day and time!
Again thank you and sorry for the anime stuff

Ahaha I don't know anime much
But it looks cool
Anyway see ya!


I immediately got to work on the next art piece as a surprise in addition to the one I posted online. Harrison texted me to let me know the date. I had a week to finish.

It was cutting it close. I quickly signed off the bottom and put the two pieces into a poster tube. I wore my best casual clothes to go out. I wandered the LA streets just to see what's happening on the streets as I looked for four famous people strolling around.

Around the afternoon, I spotted them in the distance. They were taking pictures with some fans so I strolled slowly behind to stall. When the fans walked away, I sped walked towards them and tapped Harrison on the shoulder.

"Hi I'm (Y/N), the one with the drawings of Monty."

"Hey (Y/N)! It's nice to meet you." Harrison's smile made my heart begin to beat faster.

"Here's the drawings," I said as I pulled the tube out of my bag. Harrison opens and unfolds them.

"They're beautiful!" Zendaya complimented.

"Thanks," you politely nodded your head.

"Um, would you like to join us for the afternoon?" Tom asks as he puts out his hand. You firmly shook his hand and nodded in agreement.

You offered to hold the poster for Harrison in the meantime. The group exported LA for anything fun to do like stopping at places for snacks and an arcade.

You had a lot of fun watching them goof around, unlike what you see on screen or on social media. You were able to talk to them individually a little. It was exciting to hang out with celebrities you looked up to, especially Harrison.

As the sun begins to set, you and others are walking you back to where your car was parked. Still laughing and talking, the group was walking until a few fans showed up to take pictures.

"That's my queue. Harrison, it was a pleasure to meet you," you thanked them. "I'll see you guys later!"

You quickly walked off in a hurry to avoid being seen by the fans. You heard your name being called.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" You turn around to see Harrison sprinting towards you. He was heavily breathing when he finally got to you. "Man, you walk fast."

"Sorry," you grinned. "Did you need something?"

"Posters..." he gasped through his breaths.

"Oh! Right. Sorry about that." You pulled the package out of your bag and handed it to him. After one blink, you saw a contorted version of Harrison. Now very confused, you stepped back then realized that Harrison kissed you. You saw the look on his face.

"I-I'm sorry," Harrison stammered. "I shouldn't have-"

You hugged him real tight as assurance. His arms embraced you back as well, leaving you in a happy moment.

Harrison Osterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now