10) Oops

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421 words

Haz has been out all day!, you thought as you started the next episode of a random show on Netflix. It wasn't a very entertaining show, so you began to doze off. Soon, you were sleeping soundly, curled into your favorite blanket.

A few minutes passed and Harrison enters the house with a few other people. He realized you were asleep and signaled to the others to stay quiet. He walks over to your sleeping body and picks you up carefully. You wake up.

"Hi Haz...", you mumbled.

"Hello, beautiful. I'm back." He pecked you on the forehead as he gently tucks you into bed then quietly shuts the door.

Harrison walks back out to the living room.

"I've got drinks!"


For the rest of the evening, he and his friends were drinking and talking. Although, they were getting more drunk by the shot. Guests were leaving, one by one, soon after.

You woke up because you felt thirsty. Your brain was still in sleep mode so you wrapped yourself in a blanket and trudged to the kitchen. The lights were still on.

You quietly stepped into the living room. Harrison stands in the middle, back towards you. You were just about to call for him, but you see another pair of legs in front of him. There was a girl that seemed to be all over him. You couldn't hear what she was saying, but her face said it all.

Not knowing what to do, you tiptoed back to the bedroom to grab your keys, wallet, and phone. 

Then you stormed out, startling the two. You pushed passed Harrison on purpose and spatted 

"Sorry to interrupt", then leaving the house.

From behind, you hear "(Y/N)! Wait!"

Long strides helped you reach the car faster, but Harrison was catching up. You were already inside with the engine on, ready to drive off when Harrison pounds on the window.

You lower the window just enough to let him hear you. "What do you want, asshole?!"

"(Y/N), I can explain if you just-"

"Shut it. I'm done! I'm leaving." You put the car in reverse.

"Wait just hear me out."

"You got 5 seconds."

"Look, I was-"


"I was drunk and she's the one-"


"She came onto me, ok?"

"You put me to bed and you didn't bother to do anything?! She clearly had her hands all over you. I'm leaving." You then stepped on the gas pedal and quickly left, flipping him off as your last impression.

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