25) Break-in (Maf! AU 2.2)

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You were awakened by the sound of birds chirping and natural sunlight coming in through the curtains. As you stretched, you remembered that you weren't home.

You did your normal morning routine then tried to find the kitchen for breakfast. You walked back and forth.

"I'm lost!" you thought to yourself as you sighed very loudly.

"Good morning, dear," a voice calls for you from behind.

"Oh! Hello." It was the lady from yesterday.

"Did you have breakfast yet?"

"No... I'm a little lost." She gives a small chuckle.

"Then, excuse us for not showing you where everything is," she smiles sweetly, giving you comfort.

"It's alright. Your son was to show me today."

"Right!" she gently laid a hand on your shoulder and led you to the dining hall, where Harrison and a girl were already eating.

"Good morning," you greet with a small bow. There was already a hot meal waiting for you on the table. You ate quietly as the others chatted before dispersing to their own activities for the day. You met Mrs. Osterfield, Charlotte, and their dog, Monty, and became a little more comfortable being in the same room as all of them.

Then came the tour with Harrison. You dreaded it, but you couldn't stay lost forever. He took you to every single room and outside.

Both of you sat outside for a break.

"Your house is huge. How am I supposed to remember everything?" You leaned back on the bench and looked to the sky.

"You'll get used to it, I hope..."

"Thanks for the confidence." Both of you laugh. Silence finished the conversation.

"Hey Harrison?" you began.


"Is my father here?"

"Um. I don't know anything about that," he answered quickly.

"You live here."

"Yeah, but we do have a lot of bodyguards around so..."

"I see. My brother?"

"I think he's somewhere." He answered more confidently and calmly this time.

"Can I see him?" You shot up in your seat.

"You'll see him around, I think."


Since that day, you haven't seen either of them. You constantly checked around every day. Every day was a letdown. On the other hand, you grew to like Harrison's company day by day. Two weeks since your arrival and they felt more like a family than your actual family.

The nights you've had were strange. There were noises that you heard and made you feel uneasy. Harrison insists it was just your imagination since you two often stay up late to watch movies.

Knock knock

You softly knocked on Harrison's bedroom door with a response that faintly can be heard.

You stepped in with an oversized shirt that was slightly see-through. You clutched the pillow in your arms as you entered.

"There's more noise than usual," you whispered. Harrison gets out of bed to go comfort you. He embraces you as he tries not to fall asleep standing. His bare chest radiates a warmth that comforts you and you begin to feel sleepy again. As time passed without either of you acknowledging it, he suddenly picked you up vertically and heaved you to the bed, plopped you down, and climbed in himself. You felt your face blushing furiously as his arms completely engulfed you. Harrison falls asleep almost immediately.


Most likely a few hours later, a large gust of wind awakens the two of you. A few figures jump into view, all wielding guns.

"Get up!" they screamed at us.

"Oh and the girl is here," one of them remarked. Another commanded, "Sack her."

"Boss will be very pleased," another guy commented in a creepy voice as his footsteps travel closer and closer to where Harrison was trying to hide you in the corner.

Just when Harrison was going to fight back the intruders, the door to the room slammed to the ground. The light from the hallway illuminates the faces of your saviors and a little bit of the intruders.

"Sir!" the man who kicked down the door yelled. He looked at the two of you huddling in the corner with Harrison in front wrapping you in a blanket.

"Here!" he slides a gun over Harrison and the four of you versus the three were in a standoff.

"And get the lady out of here!" He glanced over as you got to your feet. "(Y/N)?"

"Shawn?" you responded. "Shawn!" Harrison pushed you out of the room and to another room somewhere else in the house. Harrison ran into a spacious room that was pitch dark unless the lights were turned on, no windows with just one door.

Harrison checked to make sure you weren't followed. He locked the heavy door, cocked his gun then called for back up. He was calm and led his men well. You, on the other hand, had no clue what was happening so you just curled up into a ball on the large desk chair that sat behind a beautifully carved desk.

"Harrison, what's going on with those guys?" you asked calmly as you swiveled around in the chair.

"Probably some other clan or something." He shrugged it off. You looked shocked and concerned.

"What?! Like the mafia or something?!" you said, half-jokingly.

"Well, yeah. Did you forget or something?" he gave a small laugh. You continued to stare back into his eyes since you really had no idea. Thoughts were now racing through your head about your family's decisions. "Please don't tell me you actually don't know."

You just put on a small smile as a response. Harrison began to look worried. He walked around the desk to you, setting the loaded gun down.

"I'll tell you later okay?" Harrison smiled at you as he pulled the blanket over your face to tease you. He picked up the ball that you are and carried you to the couch where you slept off the rest of the crazy night.


In the morning, Harrison acted like nothing had happened and the mansion was not in a frenzy. You asked Harrison about his mother and sister and he said that they left a while before the two of you went to bed. You let a sigh of relief out. Harrison brought you a change of clothes and took you to a different part of the house where there was no investigation going on.

Throughout the day, you were running around looking for Shawn or anyone that could tell you what happened. Harrison was also missing, most likely at the break-in site.

Being in the large mansion by yourself was daunting, but you liked it nevertheless. Monty was at your side as you wandered through the halls and rooms.

"There you are!" You swiveled around to Harrison dressed well in a suit. You began to blush furiously.

"Y-yes?" you stammered. Monty happily trots towards him.

"Care to join me for a little bit?" Harrison took one of his hands out from his pockets and extended towards you.

"Sure," you answered and took his invitation. "Let me change first."

As you turned to go back to your room, Harrison suddenly gripped your hand and pulled you, causing you to fall right into his little trap.

"I think you like fine..." he said quietly into your ear. He continued to hold your hand as his other arm caught you.

You looked down in embarrassment as you remember you were still wearing pajamas: short cotton shorts and a loose shirt. Your face turned pink.

"Let's go," he smiled at you and walked you into his office, where several intimidating men were standing around.

Harrison Osterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now