30) Competition (Maf! AU 3.1)

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oop maf again sorry it's too easy to write and so much power >:) lol
Vote and share if you like this AU!

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"Sir, here are the files you asked for," you stated as you placed the yellow envelope onto the wooden desk. You stepped back and stood at attention.

"Thank you for your hard work, (Y/N)," Harrison said as he opened the envelope and leafed through the thick packets of words. "You've always been on top of your game."

"Thank you, sir." You continued to look straight ahead out the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked over a larger field than the ocean on the horizon. "You don't have to be so tense, you know. As the head of my men, I'm sure you can stand your own ground."

"Just out of respect, sir," you immediately replied, more robotically than human.

"I've known you for a very long time. Just call me Harrison, (Y/N). And take a seat." Harrison gestured to the armchairs that sit in front of his desk. You sat timidly. "I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Yes?" You leaned slightly forward in your chair.

"What do you think about Mira?" He looks at you innocently like this was his first time bringing someone back.

"Whatever you think," you replied bluntly.

"You're going to have to give me a better answer than that," Harrison laughed.

"I'm just saying. To be honest, to me it's just another girl you brought home." You fully knew the answer you gave was going to anger him, but you were being honest. He liked honesty.

Harrison clasped his hands together and furrowed his brows. "Okay then. Thank you for your honesty. You're good to leave."

You left the room as quickly as possible. You shrugged off his answer and began to head out of the house. As you walked, you sang in your head.

"Excuse me?" A voice out of nowhere scared you and disrupted your rhythm.

"Y-Yes?" You stuttered before instinctively putting up your guard.

"Do you know where Harrison is?"

"Why? Who are you?"

"Mira. I'm just looking for him." She rolled her eyes, already tired of your questions. "Fine. I'll go look for him myself."

She walked away.

"The door right there." You said before turning away. You can hear Harrison's voice behind you as you tried to remember what you were listening to.

"So that's her. Welp, more work for me, I guess," you thought to yourself as you finally found the front door.


A few months have passed. Your life was pretty normal, except for the game you called "war" with Mira.

She remained in the house with Harrison. It was your job to be the head of security and to be Harrison's bodyguard and in turn, means her's as well.

You carried on your duties as bodyguard, spy, and whatnot as usual, but continuously interrupted by Mira's annoying voice that hurt your ears. It was very irritating with how she acts while you were in the room. She would also sometimes give you looks to make sure you were paying attention.

Mira was your typical girl, you guessed, like ones you would read or see in movies. She was all over the place and all of Harrison as well. You didn't care for that kind of thing. You were the one in charge of the men of Harrison's empire after all.

You mostly surrounded those guys and treated them as your friends, even though you knew they were all pretty scared of you. You would go to bars, do training, and even do bets in the shooting range with them.


"We will be taking a walk later this evening," Harrison announced to you one day. "Take the rest of the day off, (Y/N)."

"Sir, but-"

"I know. Just trust me." Harrison smiled at you. He patted you on the head as he walked to the door. "Stop calling sir, you div."

Harrison suddenly stopped before closing the door.

"I apologize if she's causing you trouble."

The door shut closed. You looked surprised while staring at the door.

"Did he just apologize to me?" You were in utter disbelief. Your boss, a feared mafia leader, just apologized to you, a subordinate, because he feels bad about his girlfriend's behavior. Wow, what a day...

With the rest of the day off, you went out to the field where some of the men were already doing some target practices.

"What are we betting today, boys?" You asked as you took out the gun you had hidden and reloaded it.

"(Y/N), you're going to milk us dry at this rate."

"Come on! Just for fun."


A few hours passed. The sun was almost set. The sky was a beautiful orange tone and the ocean was still glistening.

You were laughing with the rest and someone brought drinks to go around as guns fired to targets. You were raking in cash from them.

"What's going on here?" Harrison's voice from behind startled everyone. Mira ran to catch up with him.

"Oh, good evening, sir. Just some casual betting," you replied. One of the guys handed him and the lady a drink. She refused.

"You are going to empty all of their wallets, (Y/N). And I bet you know that" Harrison commented slyly.

"She already has!" Someone chimed.

"I bet you 1000 if you can hit a bullseye from up that hill," Harrison proposed. Everyone gasped at such an outrageous distance.

"Make it 10000 and around and you have a deal." Harrison nodded and the both of you shook hands. You took a pistol and began running towards the top of a steep hill that helped barricade the property.

"That's impossible," Mira scoffed.

"With her, it's not," a man said back.

"It's true. That's why she's head of security. (Y/N) is the best sharpshooter in the country. So glad she works for me!" Harrison and others laughed at his little comment.

You looked down at the audience you had, looking like tiny ants from above. You squinted into the distance to confirm your target. Once ready, you stuck the pistol out in front of you with one arm and just pulled the trigger.


Nothing but the sound of the ocean can be heard. Your audience jogged over to the target board to see the result. You ran back down to meet them.

"Pay up, Osterfield," you confidently said, despite it being your own boss. Harrison rolled his eyes and smiled as he pulled out his wallet and slapped the bills in your hand. "Let's head to the bar! Boss, you're coming as well right?"

Mira tugged on Harrison's suit jacket and looked at him with puppy eyes. You and the guys were joking around behind his back.

"You know what, I'll give you an extra as payment instead. I've got work to do." Harrison holds out the money.

"Right. 'Work'," you said sarcastically. "We'll just catch you next time you're free."

The two groups walked their separate ways.

But the bar didn't go as planned...

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