19) Intern (Pt. 2)

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Just before leaving the office with your stuff, your phone vibrated.

Meet me at the cafe down the street!

A text from Harrison. You smiled at your phone, put on a jacket and quickly left set to go meet him and Tom. You quickly walked through the people-filled sidewalks.

You opened the door to the smell of coffee and light chatter among its patrons. You looked around to find a familiar face. Finally you feel a notification come in.

We're in the back corner!

As you approached the designated table, you saw a face and felt time stop. As you faced the five people at the table, you realized what happened. You've been tricked...

"Glad you can make it, (Y/N)!" Ava smiled widely at you and gestured a seat across from her. You took a seat awkwardly as the other four watched you. Two large males and two other females gave you suspicious looks and to each other. You didn't know what was happening, but felt unsafe. You thought you were seeing Haz and Tom, so you didn't have anything useful in your pocket except your phone, wallet and your small notebook.

"Guys, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), these are my friends." You quietly said hi.

"So (Y/N) right? I heard you get to hang out with famous people all day?" one of the girls spoke.

"N-no, I actually work as part of the crew," you timidly answered. You felt that you had to keep your personal life under wraps as much as possible.

"Are you dating anyone?"

"No, I'm not-"

"I heard you're in college?

"Do you live near here?"

"How much do you make?"

"Do you have any social media?"

The bombardment of questions heighten your anxiety and made you very concerned about the fact that Ava wasn't saying anything,

"(Y/N)?" Ava spoke. Her voice silenced everyone's chatter. You turned all of your attention towards her ominous aura. "I'm just going to ask. Why are you texting my boyfriend?"

You felt all eyes on you. The atmosphere got dark.

"Well, Harrison, Tom and I were just going to hang out and talk about the movie." Your body began to heat up. As Ava continued to interrogate you, you felt so isolated.

"Well, I have to go now. I have class tomorrow," you said as you tried to leave. The rest of them also got up. One of the guys threw his arm over your shoulders and said,"We can walk you home, okay? That's what friends do."

The group led you through the streets and the alleyways. You tried to tell them the directions to the set so you can make up excuses to get a way, but they ignored everything you said. It was getting dark and the crowds on the streets began to lighten. The group walked through a quiet ally.

Ava stops. She turns around. "Hold her."

Her command went into effect immediately. The two males hold both of your arms as you thrash around and aim your kicks towards their legs. But it was no use. You faced her.

"What do you want from me? I don't have money. I don't have a car. I don't really have any valuables," you blurted.

"Stay away from Harrison!" Ava looked determined to get rid of you.

"He's just a friend! I don't know what you're seeing!"

"That's a lie and I know it," Ava spats. She looked at the guys and you knew there was going to be trouble. A fist flew at your face.

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