4) Models

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"Photoshoot?... Sure. When?... Mhm... Yes... Yes, I do know him... Kinda close... Sure, that'll work... of course. No problem... Alright, see you then! Bye!"

I hung up the phone, beaming about this upcoming opportunity.

"What are you smiling about?" asks my roommate and best friend, Rebecca.

"Doin' a shoot tomorrow with an old friend!" I skipped to my room to prepare for tomorrow when I suddenly got a phone call from an unknown number.

Hesitantly, I answered, "Hello?"

"Hi. Is this (Y/N)?"

"This is she. Who is this?"

"It's me, ya whack. Ready for the shoot tomorrow?" It took me a second to realize who that was.

"Oh my god! Harrison, I'm so sorry. And yes. Really excited to see you since we haven't hung out in a long time!"

"Same here. I wanted to ask if you are doing anything after."

"Umm, no. Nothing. That's the only thing I'm doing. Why?" I asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanna catch up afterward."

"Sure. That'll be fun!" I began to get all giddy and warm inside. I haven't seen him in ages since 

Harrison is always traveling for work. I do really miss his company.

The next morning, I walked to the studio a little early so that I could enjoy my morning smoothie because why not...? I arrived at the venue and entered to be greeted by the person who called Dennis and Harrison! I hugged Harrison and we began to converse as if we haven't spoken in eons, which is pretty close to the truth.

"HEY!" We ended the embrace. "So the first day reunited and we are taking pictures."

"Yeah. wEird," he commented. "I am still sleepy even though we arrived here a couple of days ago. Always workin', ya know? So how's it going? How's the degree coming along?"

"Well, almost done. And you? I've seen a lot of ads of the things you're in. Pretty exciting!"

"Yeah. I can stop being a background character," laughs Harrison.

"Very true. Oh by the way, how's the lady?" I teasingly snarked. I can see his face just drop.

"We can talk about that later."

"Alright, you two. We can get started!" shouts the photographer. He shoos us off to get dressed and makeup. The shoot took up most of the day, with us traveling to different places as well. It was fun to mess around with Harrison. People would stare because we are followed by people holding cameras, touch up supplies, and reflectors. We finish pretty late at night.

"(Y/N), you ready to go?" Harrison stands in the doorway of my dressing room. I finish brushing my hair and saying goodbye to the crew.

"Ok now we can go," I said as we exit. "So where are we going?"

"We should probably go grab a bite to eat."

"You're not going to eat with your girlfriend or go see your friends?"

"Nope. Just wanted to hang out with you. Let's go," Harrison smiled. My heart fluttered when I saw that smile. I never thought I'd get to see his face ever again.

We sat at a diner which had almost no one in it. We ordered.

"So um..." I said as I munched on fries. "You seemed upset about it, but do you want to talk about your relationship?"

Harrison Osterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now