33) Recluse

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"Oh, thank you." You smiled at a coworker instead of replying as you caught a box that fell out of his hands.

Your long strides made it seem like you glide along the floor at an extreme rate. You dodge the different flows of traffic as you exit the room.

"Who was that?"

"That's (Y/N)," replied Tom. "I think."

"She came out of nowhere." Harrison gestured wildly with his hands.

"I heard she's got an instinct for when someone needs help. But, I've never heard her speak."

"Because we've haven't talked to her before."

"She's helped me once when the Spider-Man suit wasn't on right during shooting. Didn't say a word. She just looked at me and came over and then left when the job was done."

"Now that's strange..." Harrison shifted his standing position to try and recall any time he has ever seen you. "Well, if she works here then she has probably talked to someone, right?"


"...Then, can you make a copy of this please?"

"Sure," you replied softly. You turned around to get started on that to-do list and coughed like you had a frog in your throat.

Your daily routine was getting a list of things to do than completing them then getting another set. You worked fast and you weren't sloppy at it. The staff was impressed with the unnecessary amount of focus you put into every command. You had a job to do and you did just that.

You rarely talked to anyone either. Just the occasional "Sure" and "Yes" sufficed ever situation. In addition, asking for help was also out of your comfort zone.

"Hey!" You heard someone yelling, but surely it wasn't you.

"(Y/N)!" Your eyes widen as panic settled in and you began to walk faster. Suddenly a hand stopped you in your tracks.

The power of the halt accidentally knocked the heavy box out of your hands, scattering paper on the floor.

"I am so sorry. Let me help you."

"No!" You suddenly shouted, catching the attention of everyone around you. You fixed your composure and back to the soft voice of yours. "No, I got it. I'm sorry."

"Don't be! Here." Harrison handed a neat stack of papers to you. Your hands reluctantly accepted it. "I don't see you often around. Would you like to come with us out for a drink tonight?"

You stood back up with the box. You peered over Harrison's shoulder to see some of the actors watching the conversation go down. You looked at the boy straight in the eyes but looked away.

"No, sorry." You walked away.

Harrison continued to stand there, watching you go. He was bummed that you rejected the invitation, but what did he expect from a girl he didn't know existed until the day before.

"What did she say?" asked Jacob eagerly.

"She said no," Harrison sighed.

"Hey, you heard her talk." Tom's comment was obviously teasing Harrison.

"Oh yeah. She's got a nice voice."


A few weeks later, the crew was traveling to continue shooting for the upcoming movie. You had to go with it. After the plane lands, it was already evening. The decision was to go to the hotel and hit the hay.

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