14) Forest (Winged! Reader)

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"Alright, that's the last of the supplies," Tom exhaled as he shut the rented van's trunk. "We are ready to go! Where's Jacob?"

"I think he's still inside with the girls," Harrison replied.

"Hey everyone! The van's ready." Claire skipped up to Harrison and pecked him on the cheek.

"I'm excited!"

"Boo! Get a room", the others jokingly shouted at the couple.

The group was going an a camping getaway on their break before starting the next film. It was four nights under the stars in the warm weather. Jacob, Zendaya, Tom, Claire, Harrison, Tessa and Monty all piled into the van and drove off for the wilderness. They arrived at a nice grassy area that looked over a relatively high cliff.

"Who's going to start the fire?", asked Jacob when the sun began to set. The others called dibs on other tasks such as tents and dinner.

"I guess I'll do it. Jacob, you can stay here."

"Be careful," Claire yelled as she ran off to help Z with the food. Harrison smiled and waved back. He called for Monty and they walked off into the trees.

Harrison looked at the trees that were hiding the mix of red and orange in the sky. Luckily, there was still sunlight. As he walked and picked up a few potential sticks, he heard something in the trees.

He stares into the looming dark that seemed like it was an endless void of darkness. Monty started to run towards the strange void.

"Monty! Stop!" Harrison chases after Monty while dodging the creepy arms of the trees. The leaves of the trees were covering the warm sunlight and Harrison was starting to lose his way.

But there was light at the end of the tree tunnel. It revealed a clearing. A girl was kneeling in the middle and was feeding some birds. A large wolf also slowly walked over and laid down beside her. She seemed to be speaking to the animals around her.

As Harrison continued to observe the girl, Monty bounds in, barking wildly. The wolf immediately gets up and growls at Monty, which makes him cowardly back in fear.

"Oh no no." The girl shushed both dogs and gave Monty a treat to calm him down.

Harrison, being a tad protective over Monty, steps towards them. Monty ran towards him.

"I'm sorry about him. He doesn't run off like that," Harrison tried to laugh it off. The girl looked scared. She doesn't say anything, but stepped cautiously closer. Monty runs to the girl and her face immediately lights up.

"He seems to like you."

"He's adorable!" Monty licks her face and she giggles. Harrison had a strange feeling that began to swell up inside.

"You like animals?" Harrison asks as he sat down on the grass across from her. She smiles and calls over the intimidating wolf.

"This is my best friend. He stayed with me after I found him separated from his pack a few years ago. He stayed with me ever since. You can pet him. He doesn't bite."

Harrison timidly places his hand on the snout of the beast. The wolf's eyes immediately softened and became playful.

"He loves you too!" Harrison can't help but look at her smiling face. She gave a homely feeling even though she was a stranger to him.


The sticks in Harrison's back pocket cracked. He look them out and tossed them nearby. The wolf that was getting pets from Harrison, ran to the sticks and played with Monty.

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