7) Return

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725 words

"Man it's getting cold," I whisper to myself as I lean against a wall. The vast open airport with strong air conditioning is filled with indistinct murmurs of the others who are waiting and the staff.

I check the time and sigh,"1:02 am. Their flight was supposed to land half an hour ago!"

I lean my head back to rest in the wall and looked up at the intricate design of the airport windows and beams. I felt myself starting to drift asleep.

A few minutes pass, probably when I was suddenly awoken from screams and cheers of a crowd that formed down the terminal. I frowned subconsciously and pulled my hood over to catch a couple z's before Harrison arrives.

A familiar voice suddenly speaks directly to me. "Hey, Love. Why are you frowning?"


"Haha hey (Y/N). I'm back." Harrison hugs me, tightly. "I missed you!"

I pulled him in and kissed him.

"Come on you two. This can wait until you get home," remarked Tom with the rest of the crew heading towards the pick-up.

"Let's go," I chirped as I just looked into his blue eyes.

As we walked through the airport, hand in hand, we talked about his trip and getting food. I looked behind us to see Tom being bombarded and Harry being the good brother. We giggle about Tom looking like a mess and taking pictures with fans. Out of the corner of my eye, there is a couple of girls pointing and whispering about us. Having anxiety, I overthought about it, but Harrison smiled at me.

"I'll drive. You look tired," Haz offers.

"You just got off a plane. It's ok. I'll do it." I tighten my grip a little and began to walk faster. 

When we walked through the sliding doors, I took a deep breath of the morning air and gave Harrison some time to catch up.

"Are you sure you're ok? Is something wrong?", he asks, with a confused face.

"Uhh yeah. It's just warmer out here than inside. Let's get something to eat!"

I drove us to a fast food restaurant and we ate in the parking lot. We talked and laughed about his business trip with Tom for a movie. I still had the girls in the back of my mind. It's a lurking feeling which I absolutely hate having.

"Do you think your fans care that we're together?" I asked without thinking.


"Oh did I say that out loud. Sorry Haz. Ignore that question," I laugh.

"(Y/N), it doesn't matter. I love you and who cares what they think. So ignore people." Harrison puts me on my head. "Let's go home ok? Here I'll drive us home."

"Ok," I said, trying not to tear up. "Thanks, babe."

We headed back to our quaint home. I fell asleep on with soft snores.Later, I suddenly felt the softness of a mattress. Harrison has carried me from the car to the bedroom. I continued to drift asleep, even in my clothes.

When sunlight shines through the curtains, I opened my eyes groggily. I didn't move, but I felt Harrison squeeze me into his embrace as he murmurs something in his sleep. I smiled and check my phone.

It was 12:57 pm. 

I had a couple of Instagram notifications and text messages.I open the messages and responded to the chats with my one available hand. I then open Insta, expecting messages from Tom, Harry, or someone. I quickly realized that is was tags in fan accounts. The posts were exploding with comments. I looked at the photos to realized that someone from Tom's crowd snapped pictures of me and Harrison as we walked out of the airport yesterday. I froze but continued to scroll through the comments. I felt my body tense and start to heat up. Then the arm that is holding me down reaches out and takes the phone out of hand.

"(Y/N)... ignore them," Harrison said, still being very sleepy. "Come sleep with meee..." Haz roles us over to the other side, blocking me from my phone.

"Good afternoon, hun," I said as I snuggled into his warm chest.Harrison grumbles and hoarsely says, "You're not going to read those comments, ok? I love you." He pecks next on the top of my head.

"Love you, too."

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