11) Spy (Maf! AU 1.1)

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"Bring 'em in." A man in a black suit dragged in you by the ropes that bounded your arms behind you.

"Let me go! Don't fucking drag me on the ground!" You were yelling and squirming in your confinements. The man clearing was struggling to pull you.

"Here, man," huffed the man.

"Thank you, Harry." You were dragged into a room similar to an interrogation room, but a wall seemed like a secret cabinet, a wooden desk sat in the middle, and a nice green plant decorated a corner.

"What are going to do with me?" You squirm in the ropes.

The man slams his fist on the desk, suddenly. "I'll be asking the questions!" He gets up from his chair and squats in front of you, mockingly.

"I'm not scared of you," you said as you try to avoid his gaze.

"Yeah, I bet, doll face." He lifts your chin to meet your eyes. "What are you doing here?"

You glared and kept silent. You weren't going to tell a powerful mob boss anything, even if it meant death.

"So, it's going to be like that, huh?" The man stands up and walks to the wall. He presses something and the suspicious wall slides away, revealing a plethora of guns and other strange devices. You continue to eye his movements.

"So, my men caught you sneaking around one of my bases." He cocks the gun and points it at your head. "You are going to tell me what you were doing or you are going to get a bullet through that pretty little skull of yours."

"Is this how Harrison, one of the most powerful mob bosses, interrogates people?"

"I am the MOST powerful, for your information. So much sass out of you." He pokes you in the forehead with the head of the gun. You didn't flinch.Just then, the heavy door creaks open.

"Oh sorry for interrupting." A man stepped in. "I found her files."

"Thank you." He actually smiles.

"I'm going back to Tom now. If you need anything, call." The door slams shut and Harrison's attention was at me one more. "Let's have a look-see shall we?"

He sits back down and opens the file.

"So, (Y/N) of the (L/N) clan. Age 22-"

"I know how old I am."

"So much sass, lady... Says here you spy for your family? So what are you trying to accomplish here? To steal my fortune? Kidnap a hostage? Get dirt?"

"I dunno. To die, probably."

"Are these orders from your father?"

"Yeah, but if I die, I die. Honestly, I don't care, but I do know valuable that you may want.'

"You just said you would rather die."

"I'm just saying." You shrugged and looked around the room. "Nice plant. Seems like you water it often."

"Mhm. Why did your father send you instead of someone more disposable?" He doesn't look up from reading. "I'm sure he doesn't want daddy's little princess to end up in a situation like this?"

"You're funny." You retorted sarcastically. "Don't fucking call me princess."

"Whatever you say, princess." You growled under your breath.

"What's in the file?"

"If you tell me your motives, I'll show you the file." You growled again and rolled onto the floor.

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