20) Lonely

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714 words

You sighed as you stared out the window. The streets were relatively filled with people enjoying their Friday evening. You waved down a waiter to ask for your fourth beer, being a little intoxicated. You slouched in your seat. You were outraged that you were stood up. To be fair, it was just some guy online.

You were commenting on some posts when another person replied to yours. Since then, you two have been chatting back and forth. You had a few things in common that were discussed quite often over text, but months later, it was decided that you two would meet up and chat in person for once. After weeks of anxious anticipation and excitement, you dressed your best just to be left alone, which you could have done by yourself on any other day. You messaged him while waiting, but a message saying that you were blocked showed up on every social media platform.


"I'll give you 20 if you go talk to her," Tom confidently slapped the bill onto the bar counter.

"Why?" Harrison inquired.

"Well..." Tom took some time to think about his answer. "She seems miserable and you need to get out there. I'm just trying to help you, mate!"

"I can't take advantage of someone just because they're sad. And she's drunk!" Harrison retorted.

"Just take the 20." Tom slid the bill across the bar counter and shooed Harrison off his ass and towards you.

"Umm hi!" You looked at the tall stranger. With a grumpy facial expression, you greeted him back.

"Is this seat taken?" Harrison asks politely.

"No. No, of course not. Go ahead." You fixed your posture and continued to drink. "Want some? It'll be on me."

Harrison raised his hand in rejection. "I've already had something to drink. Do you feel okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's this like the fifth beer you've had this evening?"

"Fourth," you said before chugging the rest of the bottle and slamming it on the table. You took a deep breath to recalibrate. "Can I help you?"

Your stern tone surprised Harrison. He looked shy.

"Well, I saw a pretty girl sitting alone and I thought you could use some company," Harrison spoke quietly. His honesty was making you on the verge of laughter.

"Pft..." you were holding back as best as you could. "I'm sorry. Haha!" You continued to chuckle to yourself.

"I'm sorry. Was it something I said?" Harrison's face was flustered with embarrassment. "I'll just go-"

You grabbed his arm as he got up. "No, I'm sorry. Please sit. I just never called myself pretty before so it made me laugh."

Harrison's face showed confusion. He smiles at you sweetly as you continue to grin to yourself, still trying to stop laughing.

"My name is (Y/N)."

"Harrison." Both of you shook hands. "So what are you doing here by yourself?"

"I got stood up," you answered and returned to the depressed state you were in before.

"Oh, I see. I know how that feels." You perked up in surprise.

"What?!" You loudly said. "You've got to be kidding."


"Well, I don't know. Look at you!" Your face was beginning to heat up trying to come up with an answer that didn't sound creepy.

Harrison gives a small laugh. "Thanks? I mean, I could be asking you the same question."

"Well, Harrison, I really appreciate you being here."

"Are you leaving?" Harrison's voice sounded sad.

"Well, I wasted my time waiting for that son of a bitch."

"Well, I was wondering if we could talk more or something?" Harrison spoke quieter and quieter, but you understood what he said.

"Sure." You grabbed a pen and a napkin and wrote your number on it. You passed it to Harrison. "Here. I'll talk to you soon, I guess."

You flashed him a smile before exiting the restaurant.


Harrison shoved the napkin into his pokey before getting up to go back to Tom.

"How was that?" Tom asks with a mischievous look on his face.

"It was fine," Harrison answered, plainly.

"Anything happened?"

"She was stood up."

"That's it?" Tom looked a little disappointed in his friend's lack of accomplishment.

"I got her number if that's what you're wondering."

"Nice, mate!" Tom was beaming. "Text her."

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