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I was abruptly woken up to another phone call this morning. I shoot my whole body out of bed and answer the phone.

"Hello" I say sternly. I just wanted to sleep.

"Ro?" I hear a familiar voice from the other end of the phone.

"Lucas?" I asks surprised. Now I feel bad for answering so rudely. "Hi buddy. How are you? Sorry I just wasn't expecting your call."

"It's okay, I'm good. Were you asleep?" he asks

"Yes, but if mom asks, I've been up for hours" I joke with him. "How's your summer going? Doing anything fun?" I ask him while starting to get out of bed.

"No not really, just work and hanging with friends."

"Well that's more exciting than my summer" I tell him sadly.

"What? You mean teaching summer school english isn't fun?" he asks sarcastically.

"Oh no, it's is don't get me wrong, It's just you can't really make friends with your students." I tell him jokingly back.

"Well have you tried to maybe go out and find some friends. I mean friends just don't show up at your classroom door."

"Yes I have. In fact I made a friend last night at the bar. His name was jack."

"His?" he sounded surprised at my comment.

"Yea his. Is there a problem with me having a guy friend?" I ask him with a little bit of a sassy tone.

"No I just thought you would've-" he stops mid sentence.

"I would've what?" I ask. I was starting to get concerned.

"Did mom talk to you at all last night?" he asks out of the blue.

"Um, no. the last time I heard from her was yesterday morning when she asked me if I was coming home for thanksgiving" I explain to him as I walk into the kitchen and start to boil some water in the kettle.

"Oh shit" he says to himself but just loud enough for me to hear it over the phone. I set the kettle on the stone and reach for a mug.

"Lucas? What's going on? Is everything ok?" he's starting to worry me now.

"Ya everythings fine. Just- um, just call mom." he said rather quickly. "I have to go to work I'll talk to you later. Bye." he hung up quickly before I could even say 'I love you'.

Alright what is going on?

I immediately call my mother to see what the hell was happening.

"Hi honey" she answers right away. I can sense in her voice something was wrong, but I wanted to keep my cool and not freak out on her.

"Hi mommy. So Lucas just called me adn asked if we talked last night and that I needed to call you right away is something wrong?" I ask in the calmest way possible as I pour the hot water into my cup and lay the teabag inside.

"Honey, I was going to call you I just didn't know how to tell you." she says to me in a very sad time. I set the kettle in the sink, pick up my cup and bounce the tea bag in it.

"Just tell me mom it's okay." I say trying to stay calm when really, I was already breaking inside.

"Honey," she take a deep breath in "River came over last night and asked about you."

No. no. no. she's kidding. There is no way.

I didn't know if I should scream or cry. Or both.

"Um wh- what did he ask? What about me?" I ask holding back the urge to scream cry.

"He asked how you were and uh-" she stops again to take a deep breathe

"Uh what mom?"

"I'm so sorry rosanna I-" she was saying but I had to cut her off. No more of this bullshit 'I'm sorry' she needs to tell me right now.

"Just fucking tell me mom! Please. What did he say?" I scream into the phone slamming my mug on the counter top. The suspense was almost too much, I felt like I was going to vomit. There was a brief pause. Silence from both ends filled the phone line.

"He asked me for your address so he could visit you."

My blood ran cold as I stood there frozen. My breathing picked up and my hands started to shake. There is no way this was real.

I hung up the phone without saying another work. I was in such shock. I could feel my eyes start to get wet and my lip quiver as I began to cry. I was now shaking so much that i needed to sit. I knew i couldn't make it to the couch so I just sat on my kitchen floor. I hugged my knees to my chest and buried my face between them. I was sobbing uncontrollably. I could heat stevie come out of the bedroom to snuggle snuggle next to me. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't think. Everything I thought was wrong. I layed my curled up body nexxt to stevie on the kitchen floor and just cried. Suddenly I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Ro? You in there?" I heard a familiar masculine voice say throught the door.

The crying stopped almost instantly. Along with my heart. 


Oh River. welcome to the story.

I imagine River as Drew Starkey, but you can imagine him how you want. 


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