CHAPTER 29: Don't let me go

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I opened my eyes to see I was in a big room. A room I had never seen before. It was an open room filled with candles as the only source of light. I looked down to see I was wearing a long red dress.

 I looked down to see I was wearing a long red dress

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It tied tightly at the top but flared below. It had a long slit on the side exposing my leg and my red matching shoes whenever I walked. I look up across from me to see a tall black silhouette standing on the opposite side of the room. The closer he walked towards me the more I could make out who it was. I could see the blonde hair and the dark eyes with the gold around his neck. My stomach turned into knots once I could make out his figure and every single feature on his face.
It was River.
I started to breathe heavier and quicker the closer he got. I tried to move but my feet would let me. It was like I was glued to the floor. He finally reached me, only standing a couple inches away from me now. He took his hand and pushed some hair out of my face. I quickly turned my head away from him so I didn't have to look at him, but before I knew it a hand had grabbed my face and turned it back to him. I could see the devilish smile on his face and his eyes that were bloodshot like always.
"You're not trying to forget me are you?" He asked me, tilting his head to the side. "You know you can't get rid of my that easily." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the middle of the floor. He grabbed my hips with both of his hands, forcing me to dance with him. We were dancing to a song I had never heard of before.
'Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go, cause I'm tired of feeling alone.'
We danced for what felt like forever before River finally spoke another sentence.
"You know you're nothing without me," he tells me, making my head turn to him. I could see he was chuckling at his comment. "I mean think about it, If I had never talked to you, you would still be the shy loner girl, well I guess more than you are now."
I drop my jaw in shock at his comments. I tried to remind myself that it wasn't real, but it didn't change the fact that these thoughts were in my head in the first place.
"You should be thanking me for giving you a life," he continues, "how do you repay me? By leaving me and breaking up with me."
"River, I told you I-"
"Who in the hell said you could talk?" he yells back to me. I immediately stop talking and look down at the ground. "As I was saying, I don't understand why you moved here. This place is a shit hole with some many shitty people." he tells me trying to make me feel bad.
"Not true," I say quietly to myself.
"What was that?" he asks loudly. I look up to his face before looking right back down.
"That's not true," I tell him a little louder than before.
"Oh yes, I forgot, your boyfriend. He isn't a shitty person right?" He asks but I don't respond. "Or maybe it's that friend of yours, what's her name? Ella? She's a sexy one isn't she?" he continues to day, "she's probably just as shitty as everyone else." I close my eyes tightly trying to wake up. I needed to get out of here.
"Or maybe it's that Harry guy," he says softly. I open my eyes and look up to his face. I see he is looking to the side of him. I follow his eyes to see Harry standing in the doorway with a soft smirk on his face. I can't help but smile whenever I see his dimples.
"Oh yes, Harry Styles the celebrity of the month. He's probably the worst of them all," he continues to say as I keep my gaze on harry. I feel a hand grab my face again and turn it to River. "You will never have something with him like you did with me," he whispers into my face.
"Let go, River" I insist trying to fight off his hand from face, but he is stronger.
"I'm not going anywhere unless you're coming with me. And right now, you don't have a choice."
"I said let go!" I yell at him now. All of a sudden I hear Harry from the other side of the room.
"Rosie!" he yells. I try to turn my head but I am restricted. Another hand grabs my wrist and starts to pull me away. I continue to hear Harry's yell but I can't do anything about it.
I look in the direction in which I'm getting pulled to to see a dark hallway. I start to freak out and try to squirm away from River, but it was no use. I was too weak in his hold. I begin to cry and beg him to let me go as he continues to drag me on the floor.
"Please, Let me go!" I yell at him. Suddenly we stop and I am yanked off the ground. I am quickly face to face with River. I close my eyes tightly waiting for whatever happens next.
"I will never let you go." he whispers to me.
I open my eyes and shoot my body upward. My breathing was so heavy and quick I thought I was going to pass out. I felt a hand on my back making me flinch and fall off of the couch onto the floor. I curl up into a ball and hide my head in my knees. I hear footsteps come closer to me and I prepare for the worst.
"It's alright," I hear a raspy british accent say to me making my wet eyes pop out from behind my knees. I see Harry kneeling in front of me, inches away from my face. "What happened?" he asked me.
I started to calm down and unrolled myself from my knees so that I was sitting on them now with my hands resting on the floor. Harry got up and gave me some water before walking me to my bed, just as he was about to talk away I grabbed his arm out of reflex, gesturing for him to stay. He nodded and crawled into the queen size bed with me. He opened his arm for me to crawl into as I wrapped both my arms around his torso. My head rested nicely in his neck as I laid my forehead slightly on it.
"Harry?" I say quietly, checking to see if he was even awake.
"Yes Rosie?" he hummed in a low voice as a response. I took a deep breath in before saying anything else.
"Promise you will never let me go?" I ask him softly into his neck.
"Why would I ever let someone like you go?" he asked me back. I smiled to myself before snuggling closer to him one more time as we drifted back to sleep together.

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