CHAPTER 22: A Song for You

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A/N: okay, now I'm making you play the song when it says. Like, you just have too. Okay love? (::

"So," he says, pulling into the parking lot of a beautiful drive in diner, "what do you think?"

I looked at the sign on the top of the building that was rotating. It read "Mel's Drive in". The outside was a beautiful light blue color with pink led lights surrounding the whole building. They had some old cars in the front for the show. They looked like they were from the 1960s or something. I took in the beautiful sight for a little bit before turning to harry.

 I took in the beautiful sight for a little bit before turning to harry

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"It's beautiful" I tell him softly while smiling along with him. He nodded and proceeded to get out of the car. I followed as he did, walking into the diner first. We are seated right away and the waitress comes and takes our drink orders.

"How did you find out about this place?" I ask him looking through the menu.

"I saw it one time while I was just driving around and decided to go in. I tell all my friends about this place"

"Do you live out here?" I ask knowing it isn't close to downtown at all.

"No," he says looking up to me now, "I just like to take really long car rides sometimes." he gave me a smirk, making me blush and throwing my face back into my menu.

"What do you do in your free time?" he asks me. I think for a second, not knowing exactly how to answer that. I don't do anything in my free time, hell I don't even have much free time anymore. I close my eyes thinking back on what I used to do in my free time, What I would always make time for, what my passion used to be.

"Draw" I tell him.

"Draw?" he repeats back to me.

"Yeah, I used to draw."

"Used to?" He questions me now.

"Yes. I used to love to draw and painting and sculpting, I mean I loved all forms of art. I remember in high school I would always bring my sketchpad to school and sketch the busy halls when I had the chance, then when I got home I would run to my art room and paint it out. I took up so much of my time on art that my dad started to slowly take it away from me. Then, before I knew it, all I had left was my finished artwork. No blank canvases, no paints, not even a sketch book. I had to turn to poetry because that was the only thing he couldn't take from me. He told me I could actually build a future on my writing, and now look at me. I'm a high school english teacher. I guess he was right about something, wasn't he?" I quickly realise I was just rambling and am struck with what I just told him. I pull my menu down to look at Harry who is sitting across the table from me, resting his head in his hand with a small smirk on his face. He was showing me that I had his full attention which didn't make me feel any better. "I'm sorry," I say to him putting my menu down, trying to laugh it off, "that was too much information shared."

"There is no such thing as too much," he tells me, readjusting his positioning so he is now holding his palms on the table, "there is such a thing as 'not enough'." he looks into my eyes now. I can see we are both completely focused on each other and nothing else around us. "You, my dear, I will never get enough of."

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