CHAPTER 17: Girlie

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Harry's pov

I woke up wednesday morning at around 9AM. Gemma and I had a big day planned, so once I woke up I got out of bed and got ready to start my day. She said she wanted to go to the art museum like we always did, then it would be my turn to pick where we go. I was excited to have Gemma here because she rarely ever comes to visit anymore, but when she does we always have the best times. She always knew how to put a smile on my face, so did my mom. I saw my mom less than I saw Gemma and that was pretty hard for me, but practically growing up on tour I kind of got used to it.

I jumped in the shower to wash the sleep out of my body. Something about a morning showing is just so amazing. One second you are dead asleep, then you get in the shower and feel the warmth surround you like a nice, cozy blanket and you just feel so refreshed. I quickly dried off and combed through my hair. I hardly ever blowdry my hair because I just like the way it looks when it air dries. I walk back into my bedroom grabbing whatever clothes I find in my closet. I throw them on and take a quick look at myself in the mirror. I ended up grabbing a white t shirt with my salmon corduroys.

"Not too bad" I hear Gemma say from the doorway. I turn my head and give her a nice side smile as she gives one back. "Put the black vans with it, it will pull the look together. And your sunglasses. Ya, that will do it" she tells me, handing me everything I needed to put on to "pull the look together".

"Jeez, it's like you're into fashion or something." I tell her jokingly as we both laugh at how funny I am. She playfully threw one of my shoes at me but I catch it just in time.

"Can you just get ready," she asks chuckling, "I would like this day to start before it ends."

"It's 9AM we have plenty of time" I tell her as I take my time tying my shoes. Once I am done I get up and we walk to the garage. We got into my car and we immediately both looked at the aux. I handed it over to Gemma because she was my guest, and I will give it to her, she does have good music taste. She thanked me and connected as I pulled out of the driveway. The first song she played was 'Girlie' by Aleaxndra Savior just like I knew she would. It was a good song and Gemma always said it was her favorite. There was such a calm tone to the song that just made you want to lay back and just feel the music in your body. I looked over to see her singing along while swaying in the passenger seat. I laugh at her, but then start to join in. anyone who passed up would see we are complete dorks but we didn't care. We stop at a red light and see someone is directly next to us, staring and laughing. We quickly stop moving and resume to our first positions. As we drive away we start to laugh again, but this time out of embarrassment.

"So tell me harry," gemma starts while still chuckling a little, "what's going on in your life?"

"What do you mean?" I ask looking straight but furrowing my eyebrows.

"You know what I mean. Like, are there any girls in your life? Guys maybe?" she asks quietly.

"No guys, but-" I start but immediately stop myself before I say anything else.

"Who harry?" she said with excitement and turning her body to me, showing me that I now had her full attention. I told myself I wouldn't tell anyone, but Gemma is my sister. I have told her everything about myself since I knew how to talk. If there was anyone I was going to tell it would be her.

"If I tell you, you have to keep it between us," I tell her, being very serious, "you need to pinky swear shake on it."

"We still have to do that?" she asked me annoyed.

"Yes! Gem this is serious. I am serious!" I yell to her nervously. I haven't told anyone about this and I truly wasn't planning on it.

"Okay, okay" she says, throwing her hands in the air. I rested my elbow on the middle compartment as I held my hand upright with my pinky out. She connected out pinkies and once they did we started to shake our heads side to side, causing out hair to shake as well. As we shook our heads quickly, we said the words "I promise I will keep your secret." we repeated that twice until we unhooked and arrived at our destination. 

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