Don't Call Me Death Boy

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Warning: All rights reserved. This story belongs to me and only me, you are not allowed to translate or post it anywhere else without my permission.
The medias used on this fanfic were all taken from Tumblr or YouTube, none of them are mine.
The characters of this fanfiction were created by Rick Riordan.

And I also got this amazing cover from Reading_fangirl
Thank you!

You can also read my story in German, French or Hungarian:

1) Read Shadows in German:
- translated by @PJ-ForEver
2) Read Shadows in French:
- translated by Milival on

3) Read Shadows in Hungarian:
- translated by lidiaa36


I walk away from a confused Percy and an extremely happy Annabeth smiling to myself. I am relieved to finally be able to get this weight off of my shoulders.

"Let's go?" Will asks nodding his head towards the infirmary. "Sure." I say trying not to sound excited to be with him for three whole days. Because I am not.

Not at all.

"What were you talking about with Annabeth and Percy, Nico? Percy seemed shocked and confused." Will asks and I shrug. "Nothing important, Percy is just always confused." I answer, looking at the ground while kicking some rocks. I can't tell him that I am gay. At least not yet.

At the moment only three people know about my secret: Jason, Percy and Annabeth. Thanks to the dam Cupid.

"True. But he looked so shocked! I thought that might have been about something important." Will states, raising an eyebrow at me. This is so frustrating! The way he looks so good doing such small gestures. And his golden coloured hair gleaming when the sun rays get to them. "I said it was nothing, drop it." I snap and see as his expression changes to a frown. Why do I always have to screw everything up?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that." I say looking at the ground again. I feel one of his arms wrap around my shoulders and a shoot of warmth goes through my cold body. "It's alright, Death Boy." He says smiling and I groan.

"Don't call me Death Boy." I say shaking my head while chuckling. "As you wish... Death Boy." He adds smirking, and I swat him on the forearm. "Let's just go, Sunshine." I answer and walk away. I can hear his laugh as he jogs to catch up with me.

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