"Mr. Lim, I'll break the scale." The male pouted

Mr. Lim shook his head.

"No such things please, excuse me?" He laughed.

Jaemin gulped as he stand slowly on the scale

After a rough check, Mr. Lim jolt down his weight. Jaemin glanced and was dissapointed at what he saw.

"75kg, come on let me check your height." Mr. Lim said as for Jaemin follow the teacher.

"Your height 5.7 not bad, but you need to take exercises and balance your diet, okay? Now cheer up."

"Sure thing, Sir" The lad laughed before returning to his seat.

Hyerin, out of all people, made fun of him but he was too tired to argue.

The less popular kid never wins anyway and they are basically the one who people payed less attention to.

"What's your weight?" Donghyun asked.

"Heavy...very heavy." He scrunch his nose.

After an intensive sport lesson, everyone went back to class

Jaemin sat at his seat and continued from where he left off earlier on while the others were busy chatting among themselves.

"Can I sit here." A voice made him flinched.

He looked up and saw Jinwoo, again.

"Oh hi...are you here for Research too?"

"Pretty much..."

"Ah... I'm sorry I forgot that were having mix class...are there no other empty seats?" Jaemin looked around, not trying to sound rude though.

Jinwoo is his table mate during history, so Jaemin felt rather bad for the lad to be sitting with him for Research too.

"Well there is...but since I only know you here...so...do you mind?"


Jaemin was interrupted when Jinwoo pulled out the chair beside him.

"Oh okay..." Jaemin smiled akwardly.

Initially, Jaemin wanted to initiate a conversation but however, he was scared to even look at Jinwoo. He seemed to have the impression that Jinwoo might not like making unnecessary conversations.

When the familiar clicking sounds of the heels became clearer, everyone was back to their seats, being very quiet.

It was Ms. Min, the discipline mistress and the research teacher.

"Okay class...ermm...to be honest...I lost your stack of papers which I planned to give you guys as a test to see your capability..." Ms. Min paused when everyone groan.

"QUIET!!!" She shouted and the class immediately became quiet again.

"...okay...but since this year exams is base on your presentation, I need to assign you, your own group to present something about a certain topic then you will present it to me."

Groans filled the classroom once more as most of them hated doing projects as well as class presentations.

Ms. Min mixed almost everyone around so that they all could get to know people from other classes as well.

Jaemin was praying hard, again.
That he could be grouped with Donghyun and as if god heard his prayers, Ms.Min announced his team.

"Next team would be Donghyun, Jaemin, Jinwoo and..."

She scanned the whole class.

"Hyerin!" Ms.Min point a finger towards Hyerin direction as she sigh heavily.

The trio were already seated at the corner while making a small introduction just as Hyerin came and slammed her chair beside Jinwoo.

Author here: God girl that's fucking rude, what a cunt

"Fuck this." She groan and rolled her eyes before laying her head down on the desk.

Jinwoo took a glance at Hyerin who was sleeping while muttering some shitty things under her breath.

"Damn." He rolled his eyes before taking out his notepad and jotting down the assign topic.

Jaemin stared at her and thought (・~・)

Is she tired?

Has she been sleeping well?

Jaemin could be really stupid at times
Whenever it involves Hyerin.

Or love...

"Topic... Happiness." Jinwoo coughed.

"Happiness...hmm...what do you think when it involves happiness?" Donghyun rest his chin on his palm.

"Hm...i don't know Red Velvet?" Jaemin raised an eyebrow as the two boys stared smirking.

They both ended up laughing

Author here: oh those who didn't get the joke
Red Velvet the kpop girl group who debuted on
With their song HAPPINESS
So don't mind let's go back to the story

As the three boys laughing, Hyerin suddenly got up and scolded them.

"Why the fuck are you guys so noisy for?! Can't you see I'm sleeping."

Jaemin and Donghyun flinched as the whole class looked at them.

"Excuse me...? This is a school not your bedroom." Jinwoo squint his eyes at Hyerin while folding his arms.

"And we are discussing...not sleeping so... obviously there's gonna be noise...unless you tell me that we should all practice sign language, just for you? Because you don't want to be interrupt in your ugly sleeping time, then your argument is invalid."

Author here: woah Jinwoo calm your tits.

Hyerin stared at Jinwoo.

"Who the fuck you think you are to talk to me in that kind of tone huh? Do you wanna fight or something?" She glared at him.

"Me? who started first calling us 'fuck' huh and another thing I'm sorry but I don't want to get my hand dirty...on a whore like you."

When everyone in the room started to laughed sarcastically and gasping for what Jinwoo said to Hyerin

Author here: ohhhhh my chicken noodle Jinwoo is on fIRE

"YOU JERK-!!" She grabbed his collar and was about to start a fight when Ms. Min appeared.

"LU HYERIN! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING YOUNG LADY!" Ms. Min shouted at the female before she stormed out of the classroom.

"---what a rude lady, did she just went out?!" Ms. Min shook her head.

"Ms. Min, let her be... she's on meds today." Donghyun sigh.

"Okay? Let me know if Hyerin don't help at your project I'm going to give that girl for what she deserved...tsk." Ms. Min rolled her eyes before calling Donghyun to the front to help her out with the computer.

Jaemin stared at his notepad for awhile before taking Jinwoo write down some things on it.

Jinwoo rest his hands inside the pocket of his hoodie just before Jaemin returned his notepad back.

What is happiness?

>To know that you are the reason behind the person smile

"Hmm..." Jinwoo knit his brows as he stared at Jaemin...whose eyes glued to the door.

WHAT IS HAPPINESS FOR USWhere stories live. Discover now