The next day, Jaemin went to school while fidgeting with his phone. He was looking through his YouTube, trying to find a simple recipe try to make at home later.

As he made his way upstairs, he spot Hyerin at the other end of the level.

Her eyes glance at him back at her friend. Jaemin really love her a lot but she barely even acknowledge him. The male then sat down in front of the classroom since it was locked.

He continued watching the videos while Hyerin at the other snicker.

"Girl, check out...piggy her is hungry 24/7...he even checks out cooking channel dafuq?" She chuckle with Seohee clearly not noticing that the lad did not turn up the volume of his music.

He silently grit his teeth and went out of the browser, trying to act normal.

When the class president arrived and open the door. Jaemin quickly made his way inside. He then placed his bag down and then made his way to the bathroom. His eyes looked at the path he is walking and slowly, his tears filled his eyes.

Thankfully, by then, he was far away from his classroom. Jaemin jogged towards the toilet and entered the empty cubicle. No one was was inside the toilet so he could hear his sobs echoes through the whole entire room.

He rest his face on his palms. His eyes were swollen but all he could do was cry. He look down and stared at his flabs before punching them hard.

"Why the fuck are you so big?"

He groan in his heart before he turned around and open the lid of the toilet bowl. He sniffed and slid a finger in his mouth. He committed instantly as tears ran down his cheeks making his face turn crimson red. Jaemin didn't stop until the meal he had that morning came out. Every single one of it.

After wiping his mouth, hands and flushing the substance away, Jaemin smile weekly while wiping his tears with his sleeve and cleaning himself.

If Jaemin could describe his vomit, he would describe it as a kind of purging, he felt compelled to do it. He would always reach his fingers down his throat to force himself to throw up. Then whatever he had eaten would surge up his throat and into the waiting toilet bowl. When it came to vomiting, he was a pro. A foul, disgusting, repulsive pro, who's regular explosion of stomach acid covered food had damaged his teeth and gums.

"That's Better."

He smile softly.

He felt accomplished.

Jinwoo glanced at the clock and sigh. Every morning at, 7:15 am, all of the students have to assemble at the school hall for the morning programme. He hated it so much since he has to bring along a book to read. Jinwoo hated books, as far as he is concern.

As he stared at the clock, wishing it would stop, he caught a glimpse of Jaemin at the corner of his eye.

Jaemin was walking along the corridor happily and waved at him slowly when their eyes met. Jinwoo replied with a small wave although he finds the lad a little weird.

When the bell rang and the music started, the displine master blew his whistle, signaling its time to get out of the classroom.

Jinwoo rushed out since everyone will be squeezing themselves through the door if he was any later. He spot Jaemin in a second and slowly approached him.

"Morning." He gave an awkward grin.

"Morning!" Jaemin coughed before replying his gesture with a smile.

Jinwoo stared at Jaemin and furrowed his eyebrows when he notice the boy puffy and red eyes. Earlier on, when he looked at him from inside his classroom, the boys looks perfectly fine.

"What time will you be staying back today?" He squint his eyes.

"Probably until 3? Depends on you actually."

"Oh no...I was actually asking about your extended programme... not for the project."

"Oh...mine starts next week... politics is a bit weak for me." Jinwoo rub his nape.

"I can teach you if you don't understand. With the new teacher, I'm somehow improving myself." He showed a peace sign

Jinwoo nooded merely. He wanted to asked him about his eyes but the male does not want to appear a busy body. It sometimes pisses people off.

"Where's Donghyun?"

"Late again...I guess...Minwoo?"

"Same reason."

"The last year...guess we all got tired of school I mean this school is very competitive and advance in lessons."

Jinwoo agreed instantly. He noticed how Jaemin love to talk but he felt somehow self cautious.

Which is pity.

Because Jinwoo loves it when he talks.

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