Jaemin checked the date for today and realized that Jinwoo hasn't been going to school for the past 3 days.

As far as he is concern, Jinwoo looked perfectly fine the last time they met. Not perfectly but he doesn't seem to look sick or anything.

"Do you happen to see Jinwoo anywhere?"
Jaemin asked Donghyun during break.

"Nope...he hasn't been around right?" He scratched his head while looking around the cafeteria.

Minwoo was there with his friends but there was no sign of Jinwoo around.

"I guess..."

"Why? Do you miss him already?" Donghyun wiggled his eyebrows.

Jaemin rolled his eyes at his bestfriend before continuing his meal.

School ended,instead of heading home, Jaemin has to stay back in school because he was assigned by his old grade 11 art teacher to design something for their school program.

While queuing up to buy drink, his phone buzzed . He stared at the name and furrowed his brows.



Jinwoo: hi...can I see you? I really need to talk to you

Jinwoo has never texted him before.

Except for when he has questions about the project and homework.

But even so, why would he text about the project? Now?

Jaemin scratched his head even when it wasn't really itchy.

He doesn't know if this text was referring to him because he never gets text's like these before.

Jaemin: Hey this is Yoo Jaemin, I don't think that message was meant for me(?)

Jaemin: 😄

Jinwoo: it is

Jinwoo: unless there's another Jaemin I'm not aware about

Jaemin: which Jaemin are u talking about??? I'm the ugly one.

Jinwoo: I'm talking about my partner? Who always my partner in my 3 subjects? Jaemin the one who has amazing art skills.

Jaemin: okay that's me🖐️🎨🖌️

Jinwoo: so can we meet???

Jaemin: outside of school?

Jaemin: ildun think so:-|

Jinwoo: why? I was thinking of Everyday Sweet... Cafe...

Jaemin: abt two blocks away from our school??? Gotta ask permission from my mom first.

Jinwoo: really?

Jaemin: yeah...she doesn't let me go out unless...I seek her permission

Jinwoo: ok then...tell me once u are done

Jinwoo: 😉

Jaemin widened his eyes. That was the first time Jinwoo sent an emoji. Well they don't talk always but either way, it was till considered first.

Jaemin then proceeded to ask the permission from his mom. Though rather hesitant, his mother let him go to the cafe since he will be returning back to school...to finish his art tasks.

After buying a drink, Jaemin grab his bag and place it in the art room before fishing out for his belongings and exiting the school.

Everyday Sweet Cafe wasn't that far from school so it only took Jaemin about 10 minutes to arrive there.

The cafe is very popular among the students of his school but Jaemin never visited this place before. Mainly because his mother never lets him out. Once, she gave him permission- with a condition that she follows as well.

When Jaemin entered the cafe, it was packed. Students were crowding the cafe. Many of them were just loitering around the cafe without ordering anything, occupying the space that was meant for 'actual' customers.

Jaemin sigh as he made his way to the second level of the cafe. Unfortunately, it was full as well. Just as he was about to go back, someone grabbed his hand and lead home to a seat nearby.

Jaemin blinked his eyes, confused. The male was wearing all black, covering his head, mouth and body. When the male sat down and took out his cap, Jaemin let out a sigh of relief.

"Damn Park Jinwoo you got me shook!" Jaemin chuckle softly until he noticed the lad's bruised face and a bandage of his head.

"Oh my---what happen to you???!" Jaemin gasped as he sat down quickly.

"Nothing." Jinwoo rubbed his eyes before letting out a small yawn.

Jaemin couldn't stop staring at Jinwoo's face.
It looks painful. So painful, till he ended up shedding tear.

"I actually wanted to--" Jinwoo paused when he saw Jaemin suddenly crying out of nowhere.


"...why are you??... crying??" He tilt his head.

"No it's nothing... I'm very emotional that's all."
He suddenly laugh out after wiping the tears around his eyes and adjusting glasses.

Jaemin then took out some ointment from his bag and hand it over to Jinwoo.

The other lad furrowed his brows and analysed it.

"What is this?" He took it and read the labels that was, unfortunately, written in french.

"Some oil to put on your bruise..." Jaemin paused, "Want me to help you?"

Jinwoo rubbed his eyes and stared at the male in front of him. He studied his expressions and knit his brows.

"I don't think we are on that level to have physical con---are you gay?"

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