Jaemin stormed out if the classroom while wiping his wet cheeks. A part of him was glad that he manage to pour out all the things that he had been keeping hidden inside him.

Another part of him felt regretful, basically for not stopping Jinwoo from going out of the school.

Just as Jaemin turned to a corner, he bumped into Minwoo.

"Woah look where are you going...you okay?"
Minwoo held onto Jaemin's shoulder.

Jaemin look up at the male

"Oh Minwoo... sorry...my mind is somewhere else...have you seen Jinwoo???"

"Jinwoo?... only this morning...after our next class, he left and I haven't seen him since... he's look so down...did something happen between the both of you?"

"...Yes...do you know where could he be?" Jaemin sigh.

"I really don't know...want me to call him for you?"

"I don't think that will work...do you by any chance have his address? I think he went home."

"Hold on a sec..." Minwoo fish out his phone and scroll through a number of texts, "Here."

Jaemin quickly jot down the address before dismissing himself.

It was still 11am and lessons are ongoing but Jaemin doesn't feel good.

It seems that he really find the need to see Jinwoo now. His heart felt uneasy after Jinwoo left earlier on.

Since the school has guards around, Jaemin decided to use the back of the gate where he sneak out of the campus. It was dangerous move but thankfully, no one notice it.

Jaemin quicken his pace and took the bus to Jinwoo's house. As he gets closer to his destination, his heart beats rapidly. The male prayed and prayed that is not a bad omen.

Jinwoo is way to precious to him. If anything happens, Jaemin will never able to forgive himself.

Jaemin stop dead in his track as be saw the house in front of him. According to the address Minwoo gave, this is Jinwoo's house.

Jaemin analise the whole place and it seemed quite. He then made his way around it.

He was about to walk towards the door when he saw something near the window.

Jaemin's eyes widened when he saw Jinwoo hanging on the ceiling with his eyes shut.

The male then sprint towards the door and knock on it hard. When there isn't any response, Jaemin gather all of his strength and burst open the door.

Thankfully for him, it opened right away.

Jaemin doesn't know the way to Jinwoo's bedroom which why he relied on his instinct.

After reaching the second floor, Jaemin kicked open the door which he thinks is Jinwoo's bedroom.

When it opened, Jaemin saw Jinwoo's body swayed left to right as it was lifeless.

Jaemin's hand trembled so badly as he went up to the chair and tried to untie the rope from Jinwoo's neck.

It was proven to be difficult as Jinwoo's body mass is bigger and heavier than Jaemin.

After managing to release Jinwoo from the rope, both of them fell to the ground.

"Jinwoo-yah.....jinwoo..." Jaemin tap on Jinwoo's cheek in an attempt to wake him up.

It breaks Jaemin's heart to see Jinwoo's pale face and the bruise on his neck due to the effect of the rope.

Jaemin hugged Jinwoo tightly in his embrace before calling for the ambulance. He doesn't know how long, Jinwoo had been up there and how low is the chances of him surviving. But what he knows is that needs to at least try and save him.

"What the hell is that noise?" Mrs. Park appeared inside Jinwoo's room with another guy beside her.

"Who the hell are you?!" She widened her eyes.

"I- I'm Jinwoo's friend! Please help him! He is unconscious!" Jaemin plead but

Mrs. Park stare at Jinwoo before looking back at Jaemin.

"...did you call anyone?"

"I call the ambulance already! They're on their way."

Mrs. Park and the man exchanged glances.

"If the police is here I'm fucked both of us." She muttered at the man

"Let's go, faster! Bring the drugs as well!" The man knit his brows.

Mrs. Park look back at Jaemin.

"You handle that piece of shit, if anyone ask you about me, tell them I wasn't around!"


Jaemin was interrupted when Mrs. Park and the man quickly change their clothes and gather their stuff before running out of the house.

Jaemin look at the both of them and controlled his tears. He look down at Jinwoo who was laying on his lap and caressed his cheeks.

"...I... I'm here for you... Jinwoo... please... please stay with me... please wake up.... please don't leave me..."
He cried as he slowly kiss Jinwoo's lips.

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